Home Beauty 10 Inventions So Weird That You Can’t Imagine Existing

10 Inventions So Weird That You Can’t Imagine Existing


There are many inventions that appear every day, it may be useful, it may not be really relevant, but most of them are strange. The inventions below may be controversial, but they are unique.
“Bamboo Wife”

This product is called “bamboo wife” and it is popular in Southeast Asia, especially in hot weather. It is hollow, made of bamboo and a little shorter than a person. It helps people have a comfortable sleep, when hugging this product, you will not be hot. Product “bamboo wife” Anti-Aging Mask This is an invention from Japan, it is a contraption made of rubber according to the manufacturer, a simple and effective anti-aging device. It lifts the cheeks and makes the face appear slimmer. A shaping mask This is a popular mask in Japan used to reshape the face. The face is said to become smaller. The masks are made from a material that wicks away perspiration and makes your face slimmer. Single-wheeled shipping products This isn’t a chair but a super small, 1-wheeled Honda U3-X transporter. It can move in any direction thanks to its Omni-Traction drive system. The wheels are made of multiple autonomous wheels that allow you to move left and right without turning. It is still not sold in regular stores but we hope it will be popular. Nose lifting tool This looks like a torture device but in reality it is just another Japanese device called a nose lift device. It changes the shape of the nose, eliminating bumps without surgery. It creates a vibration that stimulates the bone in the nose and changes it. It takes time because the device works gradually: you need to wear it for 3 minutes a day. Mask “Rejuvenique” This mask is called “Rejuvenique”, despite its intimidating appearance, made for facial care. It has electrodes that have the same effect as surgery, according to the manufacturer. Emotion tracking mask This is a next-generation device: it’s an amazing (and scary) silicone mask that can track emotions and change accordingly. It has a tracker to measure the activity of the facial muscles. So when a person is frowning, smiling and so on, the mask moves a particularly colorful liquid through its vessels. Hair wave machine Does this look like an alien device? It was very simple: this was a wave machine in 1939. Back then, this wavy hairstyle was very popular and every woman wanted it, so it is not surprising that such a device was invented. Guitar Pikasso A jazz musician asked a Canadian man to make a guitar with as many strings as possible. The quest seemed strange but it was completed. The guitar is called the “Pikasso Guitar” for a reason as it reminds us of famous paintings by Picasso. The instrument can make many different sounds: it can be like a bass guitar, an acoustic guitar and a harp all in one. In this video you can see the jazz musician who made an unusual request to play this amazing instrument. Cushions If you have to sit a lot at work, this is an invention you definitely need. According to the manufacturer, this mattress will help you relieve back pain, keep blood circulation healthy, and maintain a comfortable temperature to avoid sweating.