Home Beauty 10 things not to do after sunburn

10 things not to do after sunburn

No one wants to get sunburned or sunburned, but if you’ve already ‘missed’ a sunburn, avoid the following.

Wear tight clothing: After a sunburn, you need to let your skin breathe. Wearing tight clothing on sunburned skin will make that area more inflamed, swollen, and blisters appear. Use aloe vera with petroleum jelly: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that are great for sunburned skin, but you should avoid using aloe vera with petroleum jelly. Oil wax makes the skin unable to escape heat, thereby making the sunburn take longer to heal. You should also avoid products that contain benzocaine or lidocaine as they can make skin irritation worse. Not drinking enough water for the body: Always remember the rule of drinking lots of water. Burns are not only painful, but they also draw fluid toward the skin, leaving other parts of the body dehydrated. Therefore, after a sunburn, try to drink a lot of water and pay attention to the signs of dehydration of the body. Cover sunburn with makeup: The worst thing when sunburn is to use cosmetics to cover the burn. You need to allow the skin to breathe for the burn to heal. Makeup, along with bacteria from makeup brushes and sponges, makes the burn more susceptible to infection or allergies. Scratching or peeling off sunburned skin: It’s completely normal for your skin to peel after a sunburn, which indicates that your skin is starting to heal. It is best not to interfere with that healing process of the skin and let the skin peel off naturally. Squeezing blisters: Similar to peeling skin, blisters also play an important role in the healing process, because they help protect the wound. You can apply aloe vera cream if the blisters are painful, but don’t squeeze them out. Exfoliation: Exfoliating products containing glycolic acid, retinoid, or salicylic acid can seriously damage sunburned skin. Wait until your skin has cleared up from a sunburn before using these products. Use an alcohol-based cream: When you apply aloe vera cream to your sunburn, make sure it doesn’t contain alcohol. Alcohol will strip the skin of its natural oils, reducing its ability to heal itself after a sunburn. Don’t take an anti-inflammatory right away: Inflammation is the body’s response to a sunburn and you need to do something to reduce it. You should take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin within 4-6 hours of sunburn to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine. Use a chemical sunscreen: Of course you’ll want to stay out of the sun after a sunburn, but if you need to go outside, make sure to use a physical sunscreen instead of a chemical sunscreen. Some chemicals in chemical sunscreens can irritate sunburned skin.