Home Beauty 11 home tips to help you cope with summer health problems

11 home tips to help you cope with summer health problems

Summer heat can cause many unwanted health problems. Here are home tips to help you deal with these problems.

Use vinegar to soothe sunburned skin: Vinegar contains acetic acid, one of the ingredients in the pain reliever aspirin, so it also works to relieve pain, itching and inflammation caused by sunburn. Simply dip a tissue in white vinegar and apply it to the sunburned area. Use baking soda to cool down a heat rash: If you have a heat rash, soak in a basin of water or a tub of water mixed with a few tablespoons of baking soda. This will help reduce the uncomfortable itching sensation. Use aloe vera to treat blisters: First, you need to clean the blister or blister with soap and water. Then, apply aloe vera gel to the blister and cover it with a bandage. Use garlic to treat otitis externa: Otitis externa usually occurs when water gets trapped in the ear, creating conditions for bacteria and fungi to grow. To relieve ear pain, you can use garlic oil available at the pharmacy or make your own homemade garlic oil to make ear drops. Use peppermint oil to soothe insect bites: Instead of scratching an insect bite, apply a few drops of peppermint oil on it. Peppermint oil has a cooling effect and improves blood circulation to the bite site, thereby accelerating wound healing. Use honey to heal scratches: If you don’t have an antibiotic to apply to the scratch after disinfecting, apply a few drops of honey to the wound and then cover it. Honey has antibacterial properties and some studies have shown it to help heal wounds. Use avocado to restore dry, frizzy hair from the sun: The hot summer sun can easily make your hair dry, burnt, frizzy and broken. To overcome this situation, use avocado flesh to incubate your hair. Avocados help moisturize and add protein to the hair, making it stronger. Use tape to remove a splinter: If you have a splinter that is too small to be removed with tweezers, try taping the splinter with tape. After about three days, peel off the tape and the splinter will be removed. Use mouthwash to treat foot fungus: A bottle of sugar-free antiseptic mouthwash may be all you need when you have superficial fungus on your feet or toenails. Simply soak a cotton ball in mouthwash and apply it to the affected area. Use a meat tenderizer to relieve the pain of bee stings: Make a thick paste of meat tenderizer and water, then apply the mixture directly to the bee sting. The enzymes present in the meat tenderizer will help break down the proteins present in the bee venom. Use rubbing alcohol to get rid of dog ticks: Dog ticks absolutely hate the smell of rubbing alcohol. Before you remove the tick from your skin, dab it with rubbing alcohol to get it to loosen its grip. Once the tick is removed, use rubbing alcohol to disinfect the wound. This method is applicable to both people and pets when caught by dog ​​ticks.