Home Beauty 12 false personal hygiene habits

12 false personal hygiene habits

You may think that everything you are doing is aimed at improving your health and appearance, but the habits below are beneficial.

Use a cotton swab to clean your ears: Many people have a habit of using a cotton swab to get earwax, but this is a habit that experts recommend not to follow. Cotton swabs can puncture eardrums, ear infections, and even hearing loss. Soak in soapy water: Soaking in a tub full of fragrant soap bubbles sounds tempting after a long tiring day, but it can cause skin irritation or a vaginal yeast infection. Fragrances and bleaches in the shower gel can wash away the oil that protects the vagina and upset the skin’s pH. Douching: Experts recommend that you absolutely should not douche at home, because this habit can imbalance the pH of the vagina and wash away beneficial bacteria, leading to vaginal infections. The chemicals in douche products can even cause endocrine disruptors, increasing the risk of chronic diseases and causing fertility problems. Dry hand sanitizer: Overuse of dry hand sanitizer can do more harm than good. Experts recommend that triclosan, a compound found in hand sanitizer, is a bad and dangerous alternative to soap and water. Air dryers: An air dryer is not a better alternative to paper towels, as the air dryer is not capable of wiping off residual bacteria from hand washing, and can even cause these bacteria are scattered throughout the room. Bathing for too long: There’s nothing more comfortable than relaxing under a hot shower, but this habit can wash away your skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry. Therefore, you should not take a hot bath for too long. Wash your hair every day: Cleanliness is good, but that doesn’t mean you should wash your hair too often. Daily shampooing removes the natural oils of your hair and scalp, making it dry, brittle and prone to breakage. Excessive moisturizing: If you have the type of dry skin, you may want to apply moisturizer whenever possible. However, experts recommend that excessive moisturizing at night can make your skin overly reliant on the cream without producing oil on its own, which will make your skin drier in the long run. Brush your teeth right after eating: Clean freaks might choose to brush their teeth right after a meal, but this is a mistake. Certain foods, especially those containing citric acid, can weaken tooth enamel, so brushing your teeth right after eating these foods can destroy already weak enamel. Exfoliate too often: Exfoliating too often can be damaging to the skin, as you may be damaging the cuticles, taking away the necessary protective layer of the pores. At that time, the sebaceous glands secrete more oil to compensate for moisture, and this will make your skin too dry, sometimes too oily. Sneezing with your hands: Don’t make the mistake of covering your mouth with your hands when sneezing is a good habit. After you sneeze, if you don’t wash your hands right away and use your hands with other objects, or other people, you are making the bacteria more spread. Spray perfume on underwear: Many people have the wrong habit of spraying perfume on their underwear so that the genital area is always fragrant. However, the chemicals in perfumes can disturb the pH of the vagina, increasing the risk of fungal infections, urinary tract infections or inflammation.