Home Beauty 2 ways to close pores at home, anyone can do it

2 ways to close pores at home, anyone can do it

Using olive oil or ice can help you tighten your pores at home without spending a fortune.
Factors that cause dilation of pores

You can use ice to close your pores. Image source: Internet Hormonal: Hormones make sebum secrete more, so pores tend to be larger. Dead cells: dead cells or stratum corneum are created during the development of skin cells, they will tend to accumulate making the skin thicker, pores also larger. Improper skin care: due to inappropriate cosmetic use or improper makeup removal, pores become clogged, toxins cannot be discharged, and over time, they are oxidized, making pores bigger. Sunlight is the cause of skin aging, making the skin dilated, pores from which also enlarge. In addition, large pores are also due to genetic factors. In addition, age-related aging causes the skin to begin to produce less collagen and elastin, which means a loss of elasticity so pores can dilate and become larger. Use olive oil to tighten pores One of the tips to tighten pores with effective natural ingredients is olive oil. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and honey, and you get an effective pore-tightening mixture with easy-to-find natural ingredients. All you need to do is just mix the above ingredients in an appropriate ratio and then use to exfoliate the skin. You should do this scrub with olive oil twice a week for the best results! Ice Another extremely easy to do pore tightening trick that is equally effective is ice. How to tighten pores with ice effectively: First, wash your face thoroughly. Next, you prepare hot water, lemon juice, ice, and a clean face towel (a soft cotton towel is recommended to avoid skin damage). Next is the preparation stage, you put hot water into a large bowl (pot), then steam your face on the surface of hot water for about 3-5 minutes. Next step, you soak the lemon juice on the towel, then take the towel and pat it evenly on your face. Finally, wash your face with clean water. Note, you do it 2 times a week to see noticeable results!