Home Beauty 3 easy ways to cure foot odor

3 easy ways to cure foot odor


Using alum, garlic or green tea leaves can help you improve foot odor extremely easily.
Foot odor is a very common phenomenon. It is caused by the accumulation of sweat, which leads to the growth of bacteria on the skin and causes odors. Everyone can experience sweaty feet. Teenagers and pregnant women are more prone to sweaty feet because their bodies produce hormones that make them sweat more.

Anhe illustrated. How to cure foot odor at home Alum You just need to put alum in the pan until they melt and close the cake, then grind alum into a powder and apply it on the soles of your feet for 10 minutes. Do it continuously for 3-4 days, your feet will not sweat and cause unpleasant odors. Garlic Garlic is one of the ‘strongest’ foods, so using it to eliminate foot odor will surely make many people wonder. In fact, garlic is a good food and has the ability to cure many diseases. Garlic contains 3 important active ingredients: allicin, liallyl sulfide and ajoene. In particular, allicinn is considered a natural antibiotic, inhibits many types of bacteria and can dislodge odors. You just need to use 4-5 garlic bulbs, crush, mix with warm water and soak your feet regularly twice a week. Green tea leaves Crushed green tea leaves boiled with water, mixed with a little cold water, then soaked feet will have the effect of both eliminating toxins in the body and treating foot odor. How to prevent foot odor effectively Choose good, thick, soft, sweat-wicking socks made of natural fibers or sports socks. Wear open-toed sandals in warm weather and go barefoot indoors when appropriate to keep your feet dry. Use a cotton ball to rub a small amount of rubbing alcohol on your feet every night to help dry out your feet. Avoid rubbing on cracks in the skin. Apply an antifungal foot spray or foot bath powder once a day. Use deodorant insoles on shoes. If you need to reduce foot odor, you should apply an antiperspirant or spray deodorant on your feet. Use appropriate antifungal and antibacterial soaps. When the smell of sweat becomes severe and does not go away, you should see a doctor for a prescription.