Home Beauty 3 effective skin whitening ways you will never forget

3 effective skin whitening ways you will never forget


Please choose one of the methods below to help your skin become white at home very quickly.
Body whitening at home with lemon

Illustration. Beauty experts have discovered that losing weight with lemons is not the only use! Lemon juice is considered as a skin whitening tool for thousands of years. Lemon contains acids that help gently nourish the skin and naturally exfoliate (the cell layer that makes the skin darker). Note that lemon juice can be irritating to the skin. In particular, women with sensitive skin are prone to redness, itching or burning when using unrefined lemon juice. To avoid this, you can mix a little warm water with lemon juice. Then rub and massage on body for about 15 minutes and shower with water. Note: This method of skin care should be used at night, avoiding the skin exposed to the sun. Because for women with too sensitive skin, sun exposure can burn the skin or cause inflammation. If on the street, use sunscreen. Only do this from 2-3 times / week. Applying it regularly will irritate the skin, leaving it worn out and prone to sun exposure. Lemons are known to dry out the skin, so use a body moisturizer to hydrate the skin. Lemon juice cannot speed up your skin whitening. So do it continuously 3-4 times / week and persevere to see the effect. The fastest way to whiten facial skin at home from yogurt Yogurt is considered as the fastest natural skin whitening at home for women because it contains a large amount of nutrients, especially lactic acid as a natural bleach that improves dull skin that is very safe. Safe, non-irritating, suitable for all skin types. How to: Just gently rub yogurt on your face, leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do it 1 time / 1 day, you will see the brightness of the skin change from day to day. Or you can mix 1 teaspoon of yogurt with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and apply this mixture on your skin, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse your face with water. Remember that it must be done every day, you will find this simple at-home whitening method to be effective after 3-4 weeks. Beer and lemon juice Beer contains a rich amount of vitamin B and has high antibacterial properties, especially when combined with the acidity in lemons, will help your skin turn white quickly, while preventing the risk of acne. fish effectively. This facial treatment you should only apply twice a week for the best results. Preparation: 3 teaspoons of beer with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for this beauty treatment. Method is also very simple. After cleansing your skin with warm water, apply a mixture of beer and lemon juice to your face, to help your skin absorb nutrients better, you combine gentle massage. After 20 minutes, rinse with clean water to feel the smoothness right on the skin.