Home Cuisine 3 great nutritious porridge to eat on summer days to help children...

3 great nutritious porridge to eat on summer days to help children sleep well, sedation and supplement calcium and minerals


If you keep making your child eat the same kind of porridge, the child will not only get bored but also suffer from malnutrition. Please try to give me these 3 porridge to change my taste.
Lotus seed chicken porridge

Lotus seeds contain many nutrients. For malnourished children, poor appetite, poor sleep, mentally unstable, eating lotus seed chicken porridge is extremely appropriate. This porridge has a sweet, fatty taste, so children will surely love it. Illustration. The method is also quite simple, you wash the glutinous rice and plain rice and soak it in water for about 30 minutes for the rice to bloom. If using fresh lotus seeds, remove the lotus heart to avoid bitterness. Wash green beans and soak in water for about 20 minutes. Chicken washed, boiled, shredded. Put rice, green beans, lotus seeds in and cook until the porridge is cooked, then scoop out into a bowl, add chicken, onions, coriander, and pepper to eat. Shrimp zucchini porridge On hot summer days, eating zucchini helps to cool down and reduce the harmful effects of the heat. Most children love to eat shrimp. This food is rich in protein, calcium and minerals, good for the development of children. The combination of zucchini and shrimp makes the porridge both nutritious and cool and attractive to children. First you clean the nest, remove the shell and chop it. Peel the squash, remove the intestines, wash, and slice thinly. Scallions, scallions are washed and finely chopped. Put the cooking oil in the pot, heat it up, fry the minced onion and garlic, add the shrimp shells and bring to a boil. Boil broth, remove foam and shrimp shells. Add the rice and cook until the porridge boils, then add the zucchini and cook until soft. Add shrimp meat and bring to a boil, then season to taste. Ladle the porridge into a bowl, add onions and cooking oil and mix well. Green bean brown rice porridge Mix brown rice and plain rice together and rinse well. Soak the rice in warm water for about 1 hour for the rice to swell. Bean sprouts washed. You put rice, bean sprouts, almonds, cashews in a pot of boiling water, then lower the heat. If the water in the pot is empty, you can add more water. When the rice is soft, add fresh milk and sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves. Then turn off the stove and enjoy. If the child is not used to eating raw, the mother can use a sieve or grind it.