Home Architecture 3 simple steps to arrange a office to help the owner prosper

3 simple steps to arrange a office to help the owner prosper


With these 3 simple steps, anyone can arrange their own office according to feng shui standards, helping to sublimate at work and avoid encountering problems on the way to promotion.

When embarking on the layout of an office, the homeowner or company owner needs to determine the best directions for the company. Feng shui expert Phung Phuong will share 3 simple steps to improve office prosperity. Step 1: Determine the best desk location for you According to Feng Shui, the year of birth of each person will correspond to one of the five destiny: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. People with the Earth destiny are suitable for Southwest and Northeast directions. Jupiter is in harmony with the East and Southeast directions. The Fire is compatible with the South direction. Menh Kim should choose the West and Northwest directions. Meanwhile, par Thuy merges with the North direction. Step 2: Decorate the interior according to the five elements All the materials and colors of the furniture in the office evoke the energetic nature of each planet. You need to pay attention to the layout in the office, so that the Five Elements elements are always balanced. If an element is emphasized too much or too little they can affect the energies in this space. Therefore, before embarking on the design and arrangement of the office, you need to determine which category you belong to. From there you will find the most suitable materials and colors. Step 3: Activate the energy in the office Whether the company is running smoothly or not, the relationship between employees is friendly as well as how the work efficiency progresses depends in part on the circulation of qi. If you work in a space where the qi is stagnant (containing too much negative energy), you will feel tired and lack focus. In contrast, with offices with too much yang qi, you are also often angry, and it is difficult to work with associates. Let the qi be moved freely by occasionally moving tables and chairs, rearranging the office. Avoid placing too many tables and chairs because the cramped will restrict the flow of air. * The article is for reference only.