Home Cuisine 3 types of fruits that easily contain the most parasites, all are...

3 types of fruits that easily contain the most parasites, all are expensive specialties


The fruits below are all specialties, expensive, delicious, but potentially harmful.
Fruit is an extremely good food for the body because it is rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Eating fruits regularly helps to replenish the lost nutrients of the body and improve disease resistance.

However, few people know that fruits can also contain parasites, bacteria, if not washed, they can live parasites in the human body and cause many health problems. Here are 3 fruits that are most likely to contain parasites, so wash them thoroughly before eating Grape bunch Grapes are a favorite fruit of many people because it has a sweet, crunchy, aromatic taste, sometimes with a little sour taste, creating an extremely delicious and attractive feeling. However, grapes are usually harvested and sold in bunches. Inside the bunch of grapes there are always gaps, this is the space that creates a suitable habitat for parasites. In addition, because grapes contain high amounts of sugar, they attract the attention of more parasites. Therefore, when buying grapes, it is necessary to wash the grapes under clean running water, draining the water from top to bottom. Then, soak in dilute salt water for about 15 minutes, then eat. Strawberry Illustration. Strawberries grow close to the ground, when ripe, the entire flesh is exposed, the eyes of the strawberry can easily become “paths” for the parasites. to hide. Therefore, to ensure safety, when buying strawberries, you need to gently put the strawberries in a bowl of clean water, add a little flour or salt and soak for about 10 minutes, then gently take the strawberries out into a bowl of clean water. Repeat this 2-3 times so the strawberries can be cleaned. Water chestnuts Because water chestnuts are soaked in water for a long time, they are very susceptible to parasites. When eating, it is necessary to wash it with clean water, then use a knife to peel off the skin, if the inside is damaged, you should throw it away.