Home Beauty 3 weight loss recipes you must not forget

3 weight loss recipes you must not forget


You can lose weight fast at home if you choose one of the recipes below.
Salted lemonade is a drink that helps you easily have a slim waist

Salted lemon juice helps you own a slim waist. Lemon water is a great beverage because of its fat-burning effect. Drinking warm salted lemon water not only has a significant effect on reducing belly fat but also does not harm the stomach because of the acidic alkalinity in lemons of salt. Salted lemonade recipe: 3 green lemons (2 yellow lemons) + 1 teaspoon fine salt + 750ml warm water. Squeeze out the seeds to get the juice, then put in warm water, then add salt and stir well. Split into 3 drinks a day. Homemade ginger water helps reduce belly fat effectively Ginger contains gingerol and shogaol, which promote faster fat breakdown and act as a natural slimming agent. Therefore, if you want to lose belly fat quickly, you cannot ignore this drink. Ginger juice recipe: 1 piece of ginger + 1 teaspoon of honey + 200ml of hot water. Ginger washed, smashed; then put in water with a little honey, you can have a delicious glass of ginger juice on cold days but also have the effect of reducing belly fat. Note: Should be taken in the morning. Because ginger water inhibits sleep, it should not be taken in the evening. Honey passion fruit juice The recipe for making passion fruit juice is very simple, you just need to mix passion fruit with plain water or apply the recipe below to increase the effect. Ingredients: four passion fruit, 500 ml of warm water, two tablespoons of honey, a thin slice of lemon. Here’s how: Passion fruit take the intestines into the cup. Mix 500ml of warm water with two tablespoons of real wild honey (you can add a little more honey if you like it sweet). Pour passion fruit into the water mixed with honey and shake well, add a slice of fresh lemon and you can immediately enjoy this delicious water. Drinking honey passion fruit juice 4-5 times a week will help you lose 2-4kg within two weeks quickly. In addition, using passion fruit juice also helps prevent the growth of cancer cells, prevent cardiovascular disease and fight infections. Around the passion fruit seeds, there are rice bran with natural aroma, containing a good amount of fiber for the body, so we can eat the whole seed without removing it. Vitamin C present in passion fruit helps to improve health, increase resistance, help consume energy, burn fat effectively. The fiber, water, and acid in passion fruit help absorb fat out, and water also supports metabolism, helping to metabolize excess fat faster, limiting appetite, and reducing blood sugar. . Therefore, you will lose weight faster with passion fruit.