Home Health 4 common diseases during spring-summer delivery

4 common diseases during spring-summer delivery


At the end of spring to summer, the weather is sunny, warm, but sometimes suddenly cold.
This is the cause that makes the body more susceptible to disease. Here are the diseases that are susceptible to spring-summer delivery, everyone needs to know how to prevent.

Spring conjunctivitis Spring conjunctivitis is an allergic disease of the eye. The disease that usually appears in the spring is called spring conjunctivitis. Eye allergies usually occur in people with atopic sites along with other allergic diseases of the body such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies, atopic dermatitis … trigger some symptoms such as conjunctivitis (red eyes) and asthma. When both eye and nose allergies occur simultaneously, it is called rhinitis – allergic conjunctivitis. In the spring, flowers bloom a lot, pollen spreads into the air, if the eye has allergies, it will cause symptoms of the disease. Patients with redness in both eyes, itching, burning sensation, watery eyes, photophobia, burning sensation, always want to rub their eyes with their hands, but the more they rub it. The disease often recurs according to the season. When the eyelids are flipped, large red papules (papillae), over 1mm in diameter, lying next to each other, shaped like a layer of gravel, papillae with blood vessels at the top or see white spots. like milk near the iris. Disease prevention is an important stage to help patients live with conjunctivitis – corneal spring. Avoiding heat, avoiding ultraviolet rays from sunlight to prevent the disease from recurring or worsening is very important. Wear hats, sunglasses, stay out of the sun, do not let children near heat sources make the illness much milder. Stay away from allergens, protect yourself and keep away from allergy sources … Spring conjunctivitis. Chicken pox The humid climate of spring, especially the transition from spring to summer, increases the risk of infectious diseases, chickenpox is one of the most common diseases. Chickenpox is very contagious, caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). The disease is spread through the secretions and droplets of the patient. If an infected person coughs or sneezes or even talks normally, the VZV virus will shoot out through the saliva, the person in close contact is very susceptible to infection. Chickenpox incubation period from 2-3 weeks, mostly occurs in children, but adults are also very susceptible. Incubation signs may include fever, fatigue, lymphadenopathy, nausea, and sore throat. At the onset stage will appear symptoms of blisters. The blisters will initially grow on the limbs, face and can spread to the whole body very quickly within 12-24 hours. When infected with chickenpox, the patient should isolate and implement hygiene measures, take care on the spot to quickly recover from the disease, avoid infecting others. Increasing resistance, exercising physical strength also means preventing chickenpox. Preventive vaccination is the best solution available today to prevent chickenpox and its complications. This immunization is rated highly effective and long-lasting. Rash fever Scarlet fever is a feverish condition where small spots on the skin are raised or raised on the skin’s surface. Scarlet fever is a disease caused by a virus. This virus spreads from person to person, through physical contact with an infected person or sharing personal belongings with an infected person, will become infected with the virus that causes typhoid fever. For children in kindergartens, it is easy to spread the disease because of contact with other children who have the virus in daily life. Symptoms and manifestations of typhus fever usually appear 1-2 weeks after infection with the virus, in some cases there will be no signs or mild symptoms that make us subjective. Accordingly, the specific manifestations will be: fever over 39.4 degrees as soon as the virus is infected. Associated symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose, last for 3-5 days. In a child with typhus fever, parents may see swollen lymph nodes in the child’s neck. A rash appears, a rash appears following the fever. On the patient’s skin begins to have red spots, small or swollen, some spots will have white rings around. The rash in your baby will begin to spread from the chest, back, abdomen, wrists and arms. It can spread to the legs and face depending on the situation and usually disappears after a few hours, even a few days without leaving a mark on the skin. Some other signs and symptoms of typhus fever that may appear in children are: irritability, mild diarrhea, loss of appetite, swelling of the eyelids … The disease does not cause many dangers. Patients, especially children, need rest, take fever-reducing medicines when their fever is over 38.5 degrees, and they will recover without leaving any complications. However, for young children, when having the following symptoms, they should immediately bring them to the hospital: The child has a fever that cannot control their temperature even though they have been given fever-reducing medicine. The child has a fever above 39 degrees Celsius. The rash does not improve well after 3 days. The baby has a weak immune system. Children under 6 months old. Parents suspect that their child is dehydrated due to diarrhea. Acute diarrhea Diarrhea is the condition of having loose stools 3 or more times a day with symptoms accompanied by vomiting, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and some typical symptoms: bloating, bloating, diarrhea. dirty, many times, vomiting, exhausted. If not treated in time, it can lead to death. The disease can spread quickly and cause large epidemics, especially in populated areas where drinking and domestic water is shared. Eating and drinking with hygiene and water hygiene is the best way to prevent disease.