Home Beauty 4 mistakes when brushing your teeth you must stop immediately

4 mistakes when brushing your teeth you must stop immediately

You must stop brushing mistakes today to avoid harming your health.
You don’t clean your teeth at the right time of day

Illustration. “The brush should be the last thing your teeth touch at night,” said Edmond R. Hewlett, Dental Surgeon, professor at UCLA College of Dentistry. Snacking before bed significantly increases the risk of cavities if the food is kept between your teeth. Morning brushing is equally important. Saliva production (which has a protective effect) slows down while you are sleeping, which causes the bacteria in the mouth to multiply even faster. So, you need to brush your teeth regularly every morning. You need to brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes, and be sure to spend 30 seconds in each quadrant (upper left teeth, upper right teeth, similar to the lower jaw). Brush your teeth too hard Do not think that, just brushing your teeth hard will make the teeth more shiny and clean. This is a common mistake that many people often make, because teeth can not withstand strong external influences, so when brushing will also make teeth more vulnerable. In addition, you should also choose to buy brushes with soft bristles to combine with gentle brushing to achieve high results. Brush your teeth too fast On average, brush your teeth for 2 minutes or more and absolutely no less. Because if you brush your teeth too quickly, tartar or food plaque is still left, can cause tooth decay. So, brush your teeth gently and slowly for 2 minutes to comply with the principle of properly brushing your teeth. You are not using the correct type of brush Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles that can slide under your gums and dislodge any plaque stuck there, Dr. Hewlett recommends. If the plaque is not removed, there is an increased risk of developing gum disease. Brush your teeth with a medium or hard bristle brush, plus using too much pressure can cause the gums to contract and expose the root. Because the root surface is usually not as hard as the enamel-covered protruding part, rubbing the area can cause it to wear out more quickly and cause tooth decay, Hewlett said.