Home Beauty 4 must-have skincare dishes to ‘rescue’ your skin in the summer sun

4 must-have skincare dishes to ‘rescue’ your skin in the summer sun


Summer morning, the air is hot, the sun is hot, the skin is easier to pour oil, so the skin care cycle needs to be changed accordingly.
The following four skincare dishes are indispensable products if you want to maintain healthy, smooth and young skin.

1. Sunscreen This is an essential skin care item that every girl must use every day. A good and suitable sunscreen will help protect skin from sun damage, prevent dark spots, brown spots and the formation of signs of aging. Choosing a sunscreen with a high SPF and reapplying regularly throughout the day is the ultimate, simple but effective way to protect your skin. In addition to a high SPF (from 30 and above), you should also focus on choosing a sunscreen containing antioxidants so that it can become a solid “shield” to protect the skin. 2. Skin Balancing Rose (Toner) Some people think that toners are innocuous water so they do not need to be used, but in fact, those are people with less smooth skin and easy to aging! Using toner is the first step and is extremely important in the skin care cycle. Using toner after cleansing will help balance the pH, deep cleanse and remove remaining impurities in the pores. In particular, some toners with ingredients containing AHAs, BHAs, witch hazel, green tea, tea tree essence, cheeks, … also help bring oil-alkaline, anti-inflammatory, airy and anti-acne effects. Toner is also a gentle moisturizing step to help skin stretch, making a stepping stone to help skin smooth, easy to absorb nutrients, reduce greasy shine, for the following steps to be more permeable. 3. Moisturizer Regardless of the sister who “loves” her skin, she knows by heart the rule: Skin always needs to be moisturized. In particular, in the hot and dry summer, moisturizing is much more necessary. Many people think that only dry skin needs moisturizing, this is completely wrong information, any skin type needs enough moisture to stay shiny and healthy. This summer, do not forget to find yourself a suitable moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and healthy. 4. Paper Masks Each week you should add a paper mask 1 to 2 times to replenish deep nutrients to the skin. The ingredients in the mask will help nourish and soothe the skin, replenish moisture to keep the skin plump and fresh after the “effects” of the summer sun. Small tip is that she can put the paper mask in the refrigerator before applying. A thin, cool, light layer covering the skin will help soothe the redness and irritation caused by sunburn; The cold air also brings the effect of tightening the pores and the oil alkaline more effectively. PRODUCT SUGGESTIONS: La Roche-Posay sunscreen 495,000 VND reduced to 445,500 VND – BUY HERE Perfume Klairs 385,000 VND reduced to 308,000 – BUY HERE Skin1004 moisturizer 430,000 VND reduced to 375,500 VND – BUY HERE Banobagi Moisturizing Mask priced at 28,000 VND – BUY HERE In addition, more than 1,000 summer skincare products are being discounted up to 50% at the family cosmetics supermarket chain AB Beauty World this April. Hurry up and hunt now!