Home Beauty 4 scientific tips to help you fall asleep quickly

4 scientific tips to help you fall asleep quickly


A good night’s sleep is one of the most valuable wishes of many people who have trouble sleeping or have trouble sleeping. Spending too much time trying to fall asleep is a common problem.
However, there are a few scientific tips to help you fall asleep faster. Dr. Truong Hong Son – Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine offers 3 effective scientific methods to help sleep faster and sleep better.

Fast sleep according to the military method The method below can take up to 120 seconds to complete at the beginning, but the practitioner should be able to sleep from the first 10 seconds later. According to experts, this method has helped pilots practice sleeping habits in 2 minutes or less. This easy military method of sleeping is really effective, even if they’ve just had a cup of coffee or have loud gunshots in their ears. Doctor, Doctor Truong Hong Son – Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine – Photo: Hoa Ngoc Van To apply the military fast sleep method, take the following steps: Relax the whole facial muscles, including the muscles inside the mouth; relax your shoulders to relieve tension and let your arms drop to your sides; Breathe out gently, relax your chest; relax legs, thighs and calves; Clear your mind with gentle relaxation images. If you still cannot sleep, tell yourself and repeat: “Stop thinking, stop thinking …”, your head will become heavier and may fall asleep within 10 seconds. This is a scientifically proven method of fast sleep to be effective. How to quickly fall asleep using the 4-7-8 breath method In the first times of this 1-minute quick nap, it can take up to 2 minutes to see the effect. This is a method of combining breathing exercises while meditating with recall or imagination. To prepare to learn this quick nap, put the tip of your tongue on the palate and behind your front teeth. Keep your tongue there all the time “lull up” and gently pamper your lips as you learn to breathe, then do the 4-7-8 breathing method as follows: Let your lips open slightly and make a whistling sound when breathing out through your mouth, then close your lips and inhale gently through your nose, counting from 1 to 4 in your head. Next, hold your breath for 7 seconds then exhale for 8 seconds with a “Om om um um” sound. This is a way to simulate the sound of the “Om” mantra in yoga, which is responsible for eliminating toxins and purifying the pure gas inside the body. This mantra also helps make it easier to fall asleep by pushing out of the body the negative emotions inside it. Avoid breaking the stillness at the end of each cycle. Try to practice this quick sleep without thinking anything. How to quickly sleep with a method of muscle relaxation The general rule of thumb for a fast sleep with muscle relaxation is to alternate muscle tension and relax parts of the body. Follow the steps: Raise your brow as high as possible for 5 seconds, this will help stretch your brow muscles. Instantly relax muscles and feel relieved, wait 10 seconds. Smile wide, make cheeks stretch, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Pause for 10 seconds. Squint with half-closed eyes and hold for 5 seconds, relax. Then pause for 10 seconds. Tilt your head back slightly to comfortably look up at the ceiling, hold for 5 seconds, and relax as your neck falls back onto the pillow. Pause for 10 seconds. Just like that, continue the technique of stretching and relaxing down to the rest of the body, from the biceps to the chest, thighs to the feet. Let yourself fall asleep even without completing the stretching and relaxation of the rest of your body. When working on muscle relaxation techniques, focus on feeling the most relaxed of your body as a whole. How to quickly sleep in 120 seconds If the military method of fast sleep, 4-7-8 breathing and muscle relaxation are not effective, you can try a combination of 3 methods to help sleep within 2 minutes including: Tell yourself that you “need must stay awake “; Imagine a peaceful space; Do acupressure to sleep better. Telling yourself that you “need to stay awake” is a method based on the “paradoxical intent” principle that simply makes it easier to fall asleep. When you find it difficult to sleep, do what you are doing bad like learning English, finish the job at the company … Visualizing a peaceful space is the easiest way to fall asleep. According to the study, scientists believe that people who enter imaginary images fall asleep faster. Imagine yourself relaxing in a peaceful space like the beach in the sunset, a field of lavender flowers radiating gently, the rice field blowing in the wind … In addition, there are several methods of acupressure to help you sleep well when you have insomnia. This method can be found on the internet or through video medical instruction channels. However, in addition to the above methods, it is necessary to combine a healthy diet and a regular exercise schedule to see the effects. The most important thing is to learn how to let go of all your troubles before going to bed to get a good night’s sleep each day.