Home Beauty 4 steps to take care of freckled skin you should not forget

4 steps to take care of freckled skin you should not forget

Remember to take care of your skin below when you have freckles so that they do not recur.

Illustration. This is the first point to note because the effective improvement of melasma skin and freckles treatment also depends greatly on internal factors, not simply blurring the external freckles like other skin care products. you usually think. A balanced diet is not only good for health, but it is also very useful for your skin, especially when you encounter skin problems: acne skin, melasma, freckles, … Use cosmetics to treat freckles This is not a good idea when you have freckles to visit. The application of cosmetics if not suitable for the skin easily causes skin irritation, and current cosmetics, not to mention reputable cosmetics, the floating products are countless. If you encounter a fake cream that whitens your skin quickly, it is impossible for your skin to have enough resistance to the sun. At this time, the skin has been worn away, so it is easy to catch the sun, which is an opportunity for freckles to attack more and the skin is very vulnerable to harmful UV rays. If using cosmetics, should choose quality cosmetics with clear origin. Take care of melasma skin with lemon and yogurt face masks Lemon is rich in antioxidant vitamin C, whitens skin, improves skin texture, helps to exfoliate and fade pigmentation quickly, combined with yogurt effectively moisturizes, replenishes nutrients to nourish healthy skin, Improve your melasma skin unexpectedly. Just mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, apply the mixture on your face, leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Perform 2 times a week to get rid of melasma and freckles quickly. Take care of melasma with green tea Green tea is rich in antioxidants, antiseptic, anti-wrinkle and fades pigmentation and freckles for the face, so drink and wash your face with green tea water daily, apply a mask of green tea powder mixed with honey. times a week for the best skin care.