Home Beauty 5 benefits of perilla leaves steaming

5 benefits of perilla leaves steaming


To help you improve your beauty and improve your family’s health, today’s article covers everything you need to know about perilla leaves steaming.

For many women, herbal steam is probably not a strange thing anymore. This is a method of beauty and health care that has been applied since ancient times for kings. The main effect of herbal saunas is to care and improve skin health, besides regulating blood circulation and promoting excretion and metabolism of the body. The high temperature during the steam bath will help the essential oils penetrate deeply into the skin to maximize its use. Herbs commonly used for steam bath include mint, marjoram, lemongrass, rosemary, … Among them, perilla leaves are also the favorite choice for women because of the great benefits of perilla leaves for health. With so many beneficial nutrients, this leaf is widely used by Vietnamese people for food and medicine. 1. The effect of steaming the face with perilla leaves 1.1. Interpretation The abundant flavonoids in perilla leaves help clear the nose, cool your throat and help you breathe easier. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds in the leaves are also dispersed according to the radiant heat to destroy pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Besides, the essence of steam therapy is an effective way for people with colds to sweat a lot and cool down quickly. The abundant flavonoids in perilla leaves help clear the nose, cool your throat and help you breathe easier. (Photo: Internet) Read more: – What is the use of clover leaves? How to use clover leaves to get the best results? – 7 miraculous effects of guise leaves on health 1.2. Relax your body Whether you use perilla leaves or perilla essential oil to wash your face, the distinct aroma of perilla leaves is what helps your body relax and relax. In just about 20 minutes of steam bath, you will release more stress to comfort your mind. Sauna treatments are also especially effective in people who have insomnia, have trouble sleeping or have a lot of stress in life. 1.3. Repel allergic rhinitis The heat during a steam will help to expand the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and loosen the texture of the phlegm. This creates favorable conditions for chemical compounds that are beneficial to the respiratory tract in perilla leaves to spread deep into the nasopharynx. There, they will promote their effects in the destruction of pathogens. Just in a short time, symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, … will gradually disappear. 1.4. Acne cure The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are once again effective in healing bran acne, acne, … Deep into the skin to kill bacteria, reduce swelling and prevent the risk of developing other types of acne. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in perilla leaves help heal bran acne, acne … (Photo: Internet) 1.5. Tightens pores and nourishes skin Similar to the above method, perilla essential oil will penetrate deeply into the skin to remove dead cells and impurities in the pores. As a result, you will tighten pores on your face, reduce acne, and get the rosy, radiant skin that you have always wanted. To speed up skin care, you can take a whitening bath, apply a mask and drink a perilla leaf tea after the steam is finished. 2. How to blow your face with perilla leaves Step 1 (Preparation): Before steaming your face with perilla leaves, clean your skin with a gentle cleanser. Prepare a clean tub and cotton pad or cotton towel. In the case of using perilla essential oil: Add a few drops of perilla essential oil to a pot containing 500 ml of water, simmer until boiling. When the water boils, turn off the heat to pour into a basin and let cool if necessary. In the case of using fresh perilla leaves: Prepare about 12-15 fresh perilla leaves by washing them, then simmer in a pot with 500ml of water available until boiling. When the water boils, turn off the heat, pour the water into a basin and let it cool down if necessary. You can add sea salt and lemon in the end if you want. For original herbs, you can use perilla alone or together with lemongrass and oregano. Step 2 (Face wash): Place the towel over your face and bend it close to the basin. Note to keep a distance to avoid burns, and inhale for a period of 15-30 minutes. Step 3 (Face care after inhalation): Use a cotton pad or cotton towel to pat dry your face. Wait for another 10 minutes after the steam is finished to let the skin relax before rinsing off your face with cool water. After that, you can continue with normal skincare steps. In order to facilitate the process of facial inhalation, you can choose to buy yourself a facial inhaler to use whenever needed. 3. Some notes Although herbal saunas are known to improve beauty and health, doing the wrong thing can lead to unpredictable consequences. Understanding how to steam your face with perilla leaves is important, but knowing what to do before and after you steam is even more important. Here are the things you should keep in mind to ensure the best steam: Wash before and after a steam bath: Clean, dirt-free skin after bathing will help perilla leaf oil penetrate deeply and promote its effect more effectively. During the sauna process, you should bring a cotton towel to absorb sweat and avoid perspiration for too long. Absolutely do not take a shower right after you have finished steaming: Your skin will not adapt in time to changes in temperature, leading to many negative health consequences such as colds or stroke. Sauna time: The main purpose of a steam bath is for the body to release sweat. If this process is prolonged, you will be more likely to experience blood damage or weakness due to lack of water. According to experts, the ideal steam bath time is at 15-30 minutes / time (regardless of whether it is wet or dry). Condition during steam: Before you steam, keep your body in the most relaxed and comfortable state. Do not use alcohol to ensure a steady heartbeat, and avoid steam after a full meal so as not to have digestive problems. Hydration of the body during a steam bath: It is especially important to stay hydrated after a herbal steam bath. To avoid health problems, drink only hot or warm water. Drinks like ginger tea, hot lemons or fruit juices are all good options. 4. Frequently Asked Questions Are there any side effects of perilla salts? In general, perilla leaves are relatively safe for use in herbal fumigants. However, those allergic to the ingredients of perilla leaves should still switch to other herbs to avoid skin irritation and adverse effects. If you are using perilla essential oil for steaming, you should choose one with a clear origin and full guarantee stamps. This way you can rest assured that you will not have any health problems due to poor quality goods. During the perilla leaf steaming process, if you have any health problems, stop the steam and go to the nearest medical facility for safety. How many times a week is suitable for clearing the ground with perilla leaves? As mentioned above, the ideal time for each steam is 15-30 minutes. During the week, steaming face with perilla leaves about 2-3 times will maximize its effects in skin care and health. Persevere with this method for about half a month, you will soon notice many positive signals such as softer, smoother, whiter skin; the density of acne decreased significantly, … To save time, you can prepare it in advance by heating the water early. To speed up skin care, can use additional masks or creams after steaming. Above is all the information you need to know about perilla leaves sprouting. You should also be aware that health and beauty care is a process that requires a lot of time and effort. Do the right, enough and correct perilla leaf facial sprays to feel the positive changes in your body.