Home Architecture 5 great knights entered the house and washed away their wealth

5 great knights entered the house and washed away their wealth


When entering the plan of moving to a new home, the homeowner always wants to have a peaceful, healthy life and all the advantages.

However, not everyone is aware of the harmful mistakes that will bring bad luck to your family. Feng shui expert Phung Phuong pointed out that 5 great cavalry owners need to be especially avoided, absolutely should not be committed. Experts say that it is quite difficult to build a house, not to let ignorance break the sand of the plan. Enter trach when the house is not completed When the house has not been completed, it means that the atmosphere is unstable, which can easily lead to turmoil and turmoil. You live in such an unstable environment, also detrimental to your health, wealth, and bad luck. When entering trach at a time when the feng shui is not good, later life will also be difficult to achieve the desired performance. I advise you, after finishing all the works from internal bonding to the small landscape, wait 1-2 weeks before doing the import ceremony. Wrong date entered I see a lot of families who do not choose the right day to join. To have a good day must ensure two factors: according to the plan and the age of the owner.
Many times, if you only count by your age, you forget the fortune, this is a damaging thing. You should move to a new home when the land is prosperous and stable. In feng shui, there are 3 elements Thien, Dia and Nhan, the element of Geography depends on time.
That is the reason that our feng shui remains unchanged, but the progress at ups and downs, so you need to choose a day of prosperity to welcome the good sand. An incorrect altar If you place the altar to worship the altar before entering the trach, it is wrong with the formal feng shui process. When you get home, you will move a lot of spills such as: beds, wardrobes … into the house.
In the process of stable installation, it is easy to move the altar and disturb the aura.
In addition, you usually have to knock on a fixed angle, creating loud noises and creating pulses to “worship”.
The church committee just got home has been “moved” and will bring negative things. Feng Shui 100 days first When you first come home, you will not only do the ceremony of the first day but also need to burn incense for 100 consecutive days with the aim of: stabilizing the atmosphere, increasing the vitality.
If you accidentally forget 12 days out of those 100 days, it will take a long time before you can stabilize the gas for the whole house. * Information for reference only.