Home Beauty 5 minutes to shrink waist and thighs

5 minutes to shrink waist and thighs


It only takes 5 minutes a day with simple movements that help you narrow your waist and have slim legs.
Just a very short time: 5 minutes, you can “cut down” the stubborn fat layer in the waistline thanks to the exercise postures that help the body increase flexibility and resistance.

In the past, you often heard that exercising for 30 minutes or more in your body will start burning, but with this 5-minute exercise, the secret lies in the resting time between positions. You can choose to do either 30:30 or 50:10. If the two ratios are applied alternately, the more effective the exercise will be.

30:30: Do one pose as many times as possible for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next position. After completing all 5 poses, you should rest for 60 seconds if you want to do them again.

50:10 Do one pose for as many turns as possible for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next position. After completing all 5 poses, take a 60-second break if you want to do them again.

1. Bridging posture:

Lie on your back with knees bent, feet soles facing the floor. Raise your buttocks so that your body forms a straight line from shoulder to knee.

(a). Raise right leg, bring it to chest

(b), hold for 2 seconds, lower your leg and repeat with your left leg. That’s 1 turn.

2. Arching posture in reverse:

Rest your hands on the floor, hands farther from your shoulders, and lift your hips up so that your body is almost perpendicular to the floor.

(a). From this position, bend your elbows to lower yourself until your head is almost touching the floor

(b). Stop, then raise your elbows back up to the starting position. That’s 1 turn.

Can put two feet on a ladder or bench to increase the difficulty.

3. Posture like a backrest chair:

Step right with your right foot forward and bend both knees to lower yourself into a chair-like pose.

(a). Apply pressure on your right foot and stand up, keep your feet from touching the ground, then immediately bring your right leg back and lower into a chair position.

(b). Apply pressure on your left foot and jump to get up in the starting position. That’s 1 turn. If your posture is a bit difficult, you can place your feet on the floor each time you change positions.

4. Cross-legged posture:

Stand on 2 feet, left foot slanted forward, knee slightly arched while right leg is backward and not touching the floor.

(a). Jump left, right foot on the ground and keep left foot off the floor

(b). That’s 1 turn. Jump to the left and continue switching legs as quickly as possible.

5. T-shaped pose:

Start in a push-up position: put your hands on the ground and lift your body up.

(a). Straighten your elbows and keep your center of gravity in the middle, gradually shifting your weight to your left arm and raise your right hand towards the ceiling so that your body forms a T-shape.

(b). Hold for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position and change the focus to your right hand, doing the same. That’s 1 turn. If you want to increase the difficulty of the exercise, do one more push up each time you change gravity to another hand.