Home Beauty 5 vitamins for extremely effective skin beauty

5 vitamins for extremely effective skin beauty


Vitamins are a group of organic substances that cannot be synthesized by the body. Although the daily requirement of vitamins is very low (usually less than 100 mg), vitamins are essential for many important functions of the body, especially for extremely effective skin beauty effects.
Some vitamins have the effect of beautifying the skin, preventing aging such as vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K.

VitaminK-rich food group.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the vitamins with antioxidant properties that prevent the bad reactions of free radicals on the cells of the body. Therefore, vitamin E has anti-aging effects, protects the nervous system, skin, muscle – bone and retina system from the harmful effects of this reaction. Vitamin E helps prevent wrinkles and aging on the skin, has a great effect in supplying moisture to the skin, preventing dehydration and thereby helping the skin maintain its necessary moisture all day long. Increased vitamin E requirement depends on the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet and can range from 5-20 mg / day.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, and sunflower oils. Sprouted grains and beans, dark green vegetables are also good sources of vitamin E. Some foods rich in vitamin E include:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and is important for collagen synthesis. Because vitamin C is a key ingredient in the formation of collagen. Vitamin C fully absorbed into the body will help your skin become brighter and more vibrant, not dry, wrinkled due to the aging effects. Vitamin C is not a protective film for your skin from the sun’s rays, but it will help you fight oxidation of the skin caused by UV rays, preventing the growth of free stem cells. that the stimulating UV rays produce effectively.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, prevents aging, maintains youthful skin, has the ability to improve many skin problems such as taking away the dark spots. skin (old horny layer), inhibits the formation of melanin, fades melanin pigmentation, helps brighten skin, blurs dark spots, pigmentation, freckles. By promoting the formation of collagen fibers, the skin will be filled with concave scars caused by acne.

The recommended adult requirement for vitamin C is 70-75 mg / day. Smokers need to use increased (100-200mg / day).

According to the Vietnamese food ingredients table, the foods rich in vitamin C in the green vegetables and ripe fruits are:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in the development and regeneration of skin and mucous cells, the ability to secrete secretions of mucosal cells; stimulates the growth of epithelium such as horny tissue, intestines and respiratory tract. It also affects especially the skin, stimulates scar healing and prevents skin diseases such as acne, impetigo …

Vitamin A prolongs the aging process by inhibiting the growth of free radicals. When vitamin A is introduced into the body, it will force the skin cells to metabolize faster, giving fresh skin without irritating the skin.

Vitamin A requirements in children under 10 years old from 325-400microgam / day, adolescents and adults from 500-600microgam / day.

Vitamin A in foods of animal origin in the form of retinol, while foods of plant origin in the form of carotene (precursor of vitamin A). Some fruits and vegetables rich in carotene are good for the skin:

Vitamin D

Not only is it famous for its function in combination with calcium to treat and prevent osteoporosis, but vitamin D also plays an important role in protecting the skin, preventing premature aging.

Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are skin beautifying vitamins that help keep skin balanced, smooth and shiny. In addition, vitamin D helps treat psoriasis, a condition of frequent red and flaky skin.

The recommended requirement for vitamin D is 10microgam / day for children, pregnant and lactating women. For adults over 25 years old, the need is 5microgam / day.

Vitamin D is found in milk, fish liver oil, egg yolks, butter … The best source of vitamin D is from sunlight, because sunlight helps convert vitamin D into vitamin D3.

Vitamin K

This is an important and indispensable nutrient for the body because it participates in bone mineralization and blood clotting, maintains brain function, healthy metabolism and protects against cancer for a healthy body. Best. Vitamin K is great for the skin, it protects the skin from signs of aging, treats bruises and swelling, and enhances the skin’s luminosity.

Vitamin K requirement in adults is from 65-80mg / day.

Vitamin K is found in green vegetables, some ripe fruits such as:

It is safest to include vitamins that are good for the skin through food.