Home Beauty 6 foods that help you replenish collagen in your skin

6 foods that help you replenish collagen in your skin

You just need to use the following foods can add collagen to the skin quickly.
Collagen is an indispensable nutrient that helps maintain smooth, elastic skin, strong hair and nails. That is why the keyword “collagen enhancement” is always searched, as a secret to preserving youthfulness.

Here are the foods to eat every day to help supplement collagen: Chicken Chicken is rich in amino acids. According to Dr. Bhatia, chicken is rich in non-substituting amino acids that the body needs to produce collagen. Nuts Not only are they rich in healthy fats, nuts also contain high amounts of zinc, which helps support the body in boosting collagen. A food that is both healthy and beautiful for skin and hair. Sweet potato In addition to being a healthier choice than potatoes, sweet potatoes are also rich in beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A. According to Dana Hunnes, a registered dietitian from the UCLA Medical Center, vitamin A is also essential for boosting. collagen enhancement. Garlic In garlic contains sulfur (sulfur) which is an essential substance for the production of collagen in the body. In addition, garlic also contains a compound that brightens eyes, while regenerating damaged collagen. Therefore, you should add garlic to your daily meals in dishes such as stir-frying, cooking, frying … Salmon Salmon contains a large amount of Omega 3 fatty acids that help the skin stay supple and elastic. Therefore, if possible, you should also supplement with salmon every week to promote collagen production and reduce inflammatory areas on the skin. Butter This fruit contains vitamin E and Omega 3 acids that are effective against free radicals, increasing the ability of the skin to produce collagen. So, one cup of avocado smoothie per day is one way to improve the collagen in your skin.