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6 habits men need to avoid to stay young for a long time


Men always have to add foods that are good for the skin such as green vegetables, fruits and apply sunscreen every day.

If you want to have a youthful face for a long time, you need to take care of yourself and overcome daily habits that are not good for your skin. The elements of aging on the body will appear prematurely if you do not correct harmful habits. So, the following GQ tips help you slow down the aging process, leaving your skin fresh and younger looking. Photo: tvN. 1. Sitting too long increases your risk of many diseases and affects your posture. You should get up, walk around the workspace, do some exercises in place to help you feel good and keep your body in good shape. Image: Rhbot. 2. Eat out at restaurants make you unable to control the amount of food containing sodium and substances that are not necessary for the body. Your body needs a balanced diet to stay healthy. That will be reflected in your skin condition and weight. Image: Macquarie College. 3. Not eating enough vegetables: Diet greatly affects the skin and weight of each person. Not only should you eat your favorite foods, but you must also include vegetables and nutritious foods with anti-inflammatory properties. This is a simple way for everyone to do if they want to look younger. Image : Live Science. 4. Lack of sleep It is the most noticeable thing on your face. If you wake up with insufficient sleep, your skin and body will become lifeless. In addition, lack of sleep causes premature aging to appear. Therefore, you should develop the habit of going to bed early so that your skin and body can rest. Image: Mensopedia. 5. Drinking alcohol: Alcohol, beer and tobacco not only cause diseases in the liver and lungs, but also affect the immune system and skin. If you drink too much alcohol, redness, inflammation and dryness will appear because it dehydrates the cells in the body. Image: The Westside Story. 6. Do not use sunscreen: Products that protect the skin against the harmful effects of the sun should be used regularly, even when you are not going out. You must wear sunscreen in all weather and circumstances to prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer. Image: Gov. 5 easy ways to prevent skin aging The sooner you fight aging, the longer you will prolong the appearance of the signs of aging.