Home Architecture 6 simple ways to make your home more environmentally friendly

6 simple ways to make your home more environmentally friendly


Here are small changes you can easily make to be able to ‘stay green’ in your current home.
1 / Please unplug electrical appliances when not in use

Even when you are not using it, appliances in your home are still silently consuming energy. You can save up to 35% on your monthly electricity bill by simply turning off and unplugging unused electrical equipment. 2 / Replace light bulbs with energy-saving ones Energy-saving bulbs, such as compact fluorescent lamps and LEDs, use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer. Although fluorescent lighting may not suit everyone’s taste, there are more and more light bulb options on the market, suitable for most indoor spaces. 3 / Selection of energy-saving equipment By choosing electronics – refrigeration appliances with an energy rating of 3.5 stars or higher and a 4-star water-saving rating on washing machines and dishwashers, you can both save money and save money at the same time. environmental protection. Front load washers use about 50% less water and consume only half the energy of top load washers. 4 / Find and immediately seal leaks You should check your plumbing and faucets at least once a year, especially in the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. A leaky toilet can waste up to 700 liters of water a day and can easily be missed if you don’t systematically check. 5 / Install motion sensor By installing an external motion sensor, you will avoid having to enter the house in the dark when you come home late, but also without having to leave the lights on before the day. The sensor and timer functions mean you’ll never have to remember to turn the lights on or off again. 6 / Change the shower head in the bathroom Replacing a regular showerhead with a water-efficient one can save you up to 20 liters per minute. Contrary to popular belief, low flow doesn’t mean low water pressure; New showerhead models use air to increase water pressure while still allowing you to conserve water and energy. This is a great option for tenants as you can invest in a quality water-saving shower to use during the rental period, then bring it with you when you move to another rental location./ .