Home Science 6 species of fish possess incredible special abilities

6 species of fish possess incredible special abilities


Besides the strange, unique appearance, lungfish, clownfish, electric eel, Thai Siamese or barreleye… are also known as fish that possess extremely special abilities like living above. depletion, sex change, discharge.

Lungfish (Scientific name is Salamanderfish) is a freshwater fish famous for its ability to live on land. They can live for months without swimming around in the water, even years. The reason is that, with normal fish, the bubble is the part that helps the fish keep balance when swimming. But in lungfish, the bubbles develop into lungs to take oxygen directly from the air. Their fins also gradually change into swimmers. In the presence of water, lungfish swim normally, eating fish and small crustaceans. When the dry season comes, these places run out of water, lungfish will burrow into the mud by eating mud with their mouths and then excreting through the gills. When they reach a sufficient depth, they secrete mucus through their mouths to harden the mud, forming a cocoon around it. The mouth of the fish is the only part that is exposed to the air. Electric eel (electric eel) is a dangerous “water monster” in the Amazon River. They have a special ability, which is to generate electric current from cells called electrocyten located on the side. This current can reach 600 volts, enough to knock down a horse. Many electric shocks from this creature can cause heart attack or respiratory failure in humans. When attacked by electric eels, normal people will be stunned and drowned. Electric eels locate their prey by generating 10 volts of electricity before stunning them and killing them with stronger currents. Clownfish (clownfish) has an orange body with three white stripes. Most of them live in shallow waters in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the western Pacific Ocean. According to the Mother Nature Network, clownfish are hermaphrodites with the ability to reproduce like both males and females. An interesting fact is that up to the right size and condition, clownfish will have the ability to change sex. Specifically, in a school, only the two largest clownfish are responsible for the reproductive function, they are the only couple in the school. If the dominant female dies, the male leader will change sex and become a breeding female. The second largest male will quickly develop into an adult male to pair with a new female. Siamese fish is one of the popular fish in Thailand. Possessing a variety of colors and beautiful round fins, Siamese fish are loved and kept as pets by many people. Besides the colorful appearance, Thai Siamese Siamese fish is also impressed by its unique ability to change color. The color of this fish’s body will change according to the environment, even if their mood is not good. Siamese fish is also known as an intelligent fish. They can be taught to swim with their fingers or push the ball into gold. They are also known to be aggressive and are often used in “fish fights”. Barrel eye fish (Scientific name is Macropinna Microstoma) is a strange fish with tubular eyes, located on the inside of the head and protected by a transparent shield filled with liquid. Their eyes are sensitive to light and contain a green pigment, which helps the barreleye fish to survive in the deep sea when hunting and hiding from predators. These eyes are even rotatable, allowing them to look straight ahead or look up to see everything overhead. The barreleye fish lives in the deep seas of temperate and tropical regions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. They spend most of the day maintaining a fixed position in the water thanks to their large flat fins. Devil face fish Verrucosa , also known as coral fighting fish, are commonly found in coral reefs under Australian waters. Their bodies can be up to 50 cm long and possess 13 venomous spines on their backs. The venom of the devilfish can cause heart failure if humans accidentally touch its venomous spines. In addition, the devil face fish also has a large body, many fins on the back and rough red-brown patchy skin like rocks. Taking advantage of this advantage, they often hide in coral reefs to hunt. After identifying its prey, it launches a bite in just 0.015 seconds to swallow the opponent.