Home Beauty 7 daily habits are destroying your nails

7 daily habits are destroying your nails

Weak, brittle, and brittle nails can be the result of seemingly harmless everyday habits.

Keeping the nail polish on for too long: Keeping the nail polish on for too long can cause the nail polish’s pigments to seep into the nail’s outer layers, causing the nail to dry out. Experts also recommend leaving a week or two between manicures so that the nail can “breathe”. Do not wash your hands thoroughly: It is a fatal mistake to ignore your nails when washing your hands, as this will allow bacteria to build up under the fingernails, increasing the risk of spreading the bacteria through your diet. Clean your nails every day. Use your fingernails to open the lid of objects: You should stop the habit of using your fingernail to open the lid of water cans, tear the covers of objects, scratch phone cards, or anything else you could use tools to. finished instead of the nail. Washing dishes without wearing gloves: When soaked in water, nails will swell, leading to weak, brittle nails. Plus, the detergent can dry nails and skin on your hands. It is best to wear rubber gloves when washing dishes or doing jobs that have come in contact with water and other detergents. Cleaning without gloves: Just like washing dishes, cleaning without gloves can make your nails ugly, weak, and brittle. Alcohol-based cleaners are especially harmful to nails. Don’t protect your hands in winter: When the air gets dry and the temperature gets low, protect your nails and hands with warm gloves. In addition, you should also use hand cream to moisturize your hands. Don’t eat veggies: What you eat is reflected right through your fingernails. Iron-rich foods like eggs, spinach or red meat can help strengthen nails.