Home Beauty 7 habits to absolutely avoid to avoid low back pain

7 habits to absolutely avoid to avoid low back pain


Seemingly innocuous everyday habits can harm your spine. If we change these habits, we can solve the root of the problem.
1. Frequently wearing tight skirts and high heels

Although pencil skirts are attractive to the wearer, they can also cause low back pain. Tight skirts can restrict movement in your hips, putting strain on your spine. The same thing happens when you wear a pair of high heels. Shoes cause your feet to be placed on an unnatural height, thereby causing the muscles in your lower back to shift. If you want to wear fashionable clothes without affecting your health, choose a skirt that allows your feet to move freely and choose shoes with heels less than 5cm. 2. Drink soft drinks often Carbonated soft drinks are not a healthy food guaranteed to provide your body with energy. Besides posing many health risks, this habit can worsen your back pain. Drinking soft drinks regularly can lead to kidney stones and cause severe back pain. In addition, soft drinks also cause gas to get trapped in the digestive system and put pressure on your spine. If you feel low back pain after drinking a coke, you need to add more water to your body. 3. Excessive stress When your body releases stress hormones, your muscles will instinctively tighten. Next, muscle tension leads to painful sensations in the neck, shoulders, and back. Studies have shown that taking some time to relax each day effectively improves back pain. 4. Sleeping on an Unsuitable Pillow When you sleep on a pillow that is too big, you may find it comfortable, but this can lead to back pain. Most pillows place your head in an unnatural position, which puts pressure on your neck and spine, causing pain and difficulty sleeping. If you can’t get used to sleeping without a pillow, find a pillow that is adjusted to your own measurements and place another one between or below your knees. These sleeping positions have been shown to reduce stress on your spine. 5. Washing dishes the wrong way Leaning over the sink while washing dishes puts pressure on your lower back, causing the muscles in this area to stretch. When you maintain this pose for a few minutes, you may experience back pain. To avoid straining your lower back, prop up one leg on a small stool. This will help you correct your posture and keep you from straining your back. 6. Take the stairs often While taking the stairs is often considered a healthy habit, it’s not the best way to stay in shape if you’re suffering from low back pain. If you have knee or back pain, it’s better to consult your doctor before using the stairs for exercise. 7. Reading in bed The habit of reading a few pages of a favorite book before bed can lead to stiff shoulders and back. The fact that we lean back while reading in bed puts strain on the spine and muscles in the lower back, leading to pain. If reading before bed helps you relax after a busy day, invest in a chair that supports the spine.