Home Beauty 7 reasons for you to age quickly

7 reasons for you to age quickly


Every day, there are many factors that cause aging, adversely affecting your youthful appearance.

1. Sunshine: According to the Stanford Health Care , the natural aging process takes place clearly after the age of 40. At that time, the skin forms wrinkles, freckles, and at the same time declines in elasticity. However, these changes happen sooner if the skin is too sun exposed and unprotected. Skin is also part of the natural defense system. UV rays can decrease skin’s immunity. Since then, the body is susceptible to a number of diseases including skin cancer. Apply sunscreen whenever there is daylight to prevent premature aging and skin diseases. Image: _yo_mi__, iStock. 2. Environmental pollution: You cannot easily detect UV rays, dust and bacteria with the naked eye. However, they have the ability to penetrate your skin. The body reacts with these harmful agents leading to the formation of free radicals. Free radicals damage cells, wreaking havoc on overall health and skin. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, contribute to maintaining a youthful appearance. In addition to food, you can look for antioxidants such as vitamin A (retinol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol), resveratrol … Photo: ___solvely___. 3. Not getting enough sleep: This habit causes us to age significantly. When the skin sleeps, it restores, regenerates, and produces new cells. Lack of sleep means this process is interrupted. The skin gradually declines in firmness, forms wrinkles and becomes increasingly pale. Image: Skin Depth Dermatology. 4. Eat a lot of sugar: Consuming an excess of sugar leads to a spike in the insulin hormone. From there, creating inflammatory responses. The inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, causing sagging skin. Digested sugars attach to collagen through glycation. Glycation promotes skin aging, making acne and irritation and redness worse. Image: Vibrantlife. 5. Wash your face too much: Excessive cleansing breaks down the skin’s protective barrier, causing moisture loss. You should wash your face twice a day in the morning and at night. Wipe your face with alcohol-free makeup remover in case of heavy sweating, exposure to dust. On the other hand, pay attention to the type of cleanser, the temperature of the water. Choose a cleaning product with a low pH, less foaming, and wash your face with warm water. Image: Cosmopolitan, Cardon. 6. Go to bed with makeup: Silicone, the anti-slip in cosmetics will stay on the skin if not removed. They form a barrier that clogs pores. Acne, skin irritation, and premature aging are the result of not removing makeup before bed. Image: Pamper. 7. Inconsistencies in skin care: Skin care should be carried out every day, morning and evening. There are 4 indispensable skincare steps including cleansing, exfoliation, moisturizer and sunscreen. These skincare steps help maintain a healthy appearance and repel aging. In addition, they also prevent some common problems such as acne, dull, dry skin … Photo: Today Show. 5 easy-to-do anti-aging skin treatments The earlier you fight aging, the longer you will prolong the appearance of these signs of age.