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After 8 years of being ‘released to the chicken coop’, Lady Gaga’s album project ‘ARTPOP 2’ suddenly revived?


Following the spectacular comeback of the 13-year-old album ‘Fearless (Taylor’s Version)’, another 8-year ‘old’ album titled ‘ARTPOP’ by Lady Gaga also suddenly ‘bounced back’ to lead. ITunes Album chart of many countries.

Few days ago, the Little Monsters (Lady Gaga’s fandom name) has launched a campaign called Buy ARTPOP on iTunes (roughly translated: Buy an album ARTPOP on the iTunes platform). This movement was enthusiastically responded by fans of “Monster Mother” and the music-loving community. The hastag as #buyARTPOPoniTunes and #ARTPOP simultaneously caused storms on Twitter and was in the top flourishing for many hours.

Despite the flop, “ARTPOP” is still a masterpiece in the hearts of fans.

Needless to say, “8 year old album” has excellently reached # 1 on many iTunes Album charts worldwide, including Vietnam. In the US market, ARTPOP reached # 1 on the iTunes Pop Album chart and is currently at # 2 on the following iTunes Album chart Fearless (Taylor’s Version).

“ARTPOP” reached the 1st place on Vietnam’s iTunes Album chart.

In the US iTunes Album Chart, “ARTPOP” is second only to “Fearless (Taylor’s Version)”.

When he saw the fan holding a “big” party to honor his “brainchild”, the owner ARTPOP Can’t help but feel emotional sharing my feelings on Twitter. Specifically, Lady Gaga said: “The campaign ‘Buy ARTPOP album on iTunes platform’ called for ARTPOP album Vol.2 has made me feel very grateful. Doing this album feels like heart surgery. She used to be desperate and in pain and just wanted to put all of her energy into electronic music because she believed it was the most powerful remedy to help her “close the painful door” that she had to endure. “

Gaga greatly appreciated the “Buy ARTPOP album on iTunes” movement.

The owner hit Rain On Me Also share more: “I also became more relieved when I released ARTPOP. Thank you all for organizing something that seemed to have ended. We believe that ARTPOP has always been at the forefront of its time. Sometimes it will take a few years for the artists to know. My Little Monsters have noticed that too. Always be yourself, love you. “

The good news is DJ White Shadow, the main music producer for ARTPOPAfter learning that she thanked her fans, she spoke to Lady Gaga. He and Lady Gaga will meet and discuss with each other whether to implement the project ARTPOP ACT II or not. He did not promise to make the project a reality, but this will be good news because finally after 8 years of planning the album. Vol.2 is also mentioned.

On DJ White Shadow’s Instagram Stories, he was “delighted” that “ARTPOP” reached # 1 on the iTunes Album chart in 27 countries.

ARTPOP is Lady Gaga’s 3rd studio album, released at the end of 2013. The album is said to be the “step backwards” of the vocalist Always Remember Us This Way because the album was not very successful academically or commercially. Many people also believe that she is quite “one color” and refuses to change herself when she continues to abuse vibrant songs to become popular. But behind that story, “Monster Mother” suffered both physical and mental pain. She had a hip fracture during the tour Born This Way Ball, album ARTPOP is the process of healing herself through music.

Electronic music has partly helped heal Lady Gaga’s mental health.

ACTPOP ACT II (also known as ARTPOP Vol.2) is a project where she has a secret to come out if the above album is successful. However, Gaga mentioned the Vol.2 album only once and was no longer hearing any more. For fans who love Gaga in the electronic music genre, this project is always in their “wish list”.

After 8 years then finally the Little Monsters also got what I wanted. It was to regain justice for an album that was supposed to “end her career” by Lady Gaga. With the message “Dance through the pain”, ARTPOP Somehow it helped heal mental health. This is a very worthwhile electronic album to experience and maybe in the future we will have a similar work born. Let’s wait and see!