Home Cuisine All-day weight loss menu for those who want to ‘look good in...

All-day weight loss menu for those who want to ‘look good in everything’


Adhere to the menu enough and right the day after, you will soon have a ‘standard, no need to adjust’ body to ‘fine whatever you wear’.
Breakfast: no more than 300 calories

Options for you: Omelettes with vegetables: the perfect recipe for this dish is one egg plus three whites beaten with any vegetable you like to eat (spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans …). Eat the same slice of bread / orange juice or half a cup of strawberries. Apples and peanut butter: if you choose apples and peanut butter for breakfast, an apple and two tablespoons of peanut butter will suffice. Yogurt: a jar of yogurt mixed with two teaspoons of chia seeds, cereal, and half a cup of strawberries. Lunch: no more than 400 calories You can choose from the following: – Salad: vegetables you like (choose the ones that do not contain starch), no more than 150 grams of chicken / salmon / shrimp / tofu dishes, half a cup of peas. To mix, use a teaspoon of olive oil with vinegar or lemon juice. Sandwich: one slice of bread to eat with no more than 150 grams of chicken; Vegetables served with tomatoes, onions. Also, add a plate of carrots. – Vegetable and fruit soups are non-starchy. Dinner: no more than 500 calories Suggestions for a full dinner but not afraid to gain weight (don’t forget to enjoy your meal before 17:00): – Chicken curry: One cup. – Chicken stew with pepper: One cup. – Chicken and Vegetable Ham: Like lunch, no more than 150g of meat. – Fried rice with seafood: One cup – Grilled or sautéed fish: 150 grams of fish, served with broccoli and half steamed or boiled sweet potatoes * Note: For fried, stir-fried, salad dishes, you should use olive oil. Snacks If you still have an appetite during the day, you can have one more snack with one of the following dishes: Low-fat / fat-free yogurt / blueberry mix. – 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (including the skin). – Oranges, tangerines Banana – ¼ cup of cereal. – ½ cup chestnuts (including the shell). – 2 rice cakes. And finally, don’t forget to combine diet and exercise for best results. Wish you all healthy and beautiful!