Home Cuisine Anabas slit upside down, falling rain …

Anabas slit upside down, falling rain …


The first rains of the season in the countryside are very happy. In the spring, the girls are eager to flourish. Shrimp, fish, ransom, bullfrog … bullfrog, just waiting for rain … to lay.

The most exciting game is the game to pick up anchovies and slit back to the water, just a female with eggs can pass through, the flock of floods will cross her tail. Very well, then they were not afraid of him and defied everything … Still the same … Seasonal rains. In the countryside, before Coc Vu period, every home had a few 3-pin lamps. Torch, hurricane lamp … well-off, we bought a Dong Nai battery … just for food, many families with many children (like ours) were scattered into fields, ponds, rivers … catch crabs, fish and frogs … and sell them to the market. Bright white rain. The bank of the plot is flooded, using stomping or circus (like the te sao of the people of the sea) to poke, rake on the grass patches to cover the water, crabs a lot. Once, my teacher came back from the field, full of baskets, full of two buckets of water full of crabs. He also put in both trousers long pants, also full of crabs. Later, I learned that the crabs and fishes that night … brought them to the market, enough money to pay tuition fees for a few months for our siblings … Catching frogs in the rainy night also likes. We are afraid of lightning. But the cave and the shelter hole was flooded with rain. Frogs and ransom to sit on a high bank, cover their eyes with their front legs to avoid the rain, when being lit with a flashlight (they must think it is blinking), they cover their eyes and cover their heads more tightly. He just … tipto! Home is still raining … Thanks to the civilization of the village of culture, for a long time, killing rats, killing yellow snails, insecticides … has little impact on the life of crabs, fish, and frogs … they seem to have revived as before .. . It’s raining. Going out to the village, I felt bewildered, there are still things from my childhood. Conceptualist!