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Answer questions about the legend of Polo – The first European to make the journey across Asia


The book ‘Marco Polo – From Venice to Upper Capital’ will partly answer the lingering controversies surrounding the legend of Polo and the age-old unanswered questions about Macro Polo, the first European to practice. on a journey across Asia.
Marco Polo is considered to be the first European to make the journey across Asia, bridging the bridge between Western and Eastern civilization in the Middle Ages. Depart from Venice to Shanghai, thousands of miles away, along the treacherous Silk Road, and to the court of Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, where he won the trust of one of the kings. the most powerful and feared leader in the world at that time.

Author Laurence Bergreen has followed Marco Polo to his hometown, Venice, and throughout China, visiting the places he has described, including Beijing to the east, Hangzhou to the south and Kunming to West. The author also visited Shanghai, Taiwan to track down the doctrines and relics left by Polo. Especially visit Mongolia and live in a simple round tent to experience Asia and the mystery of Mongolia like Marco Polo did. The author also relies heavily on material on Marco Polo in English, French, Italian, Persian, Latin, Mandarin and Mongolian… to write the book “Marco Polo – From Venice to Venice”. Shangdu”, aims to explore the long-running controversy surrounding the legend of Polo and the age-old unanswered questions. In a lively blend of history, biography and travel, author Laurence Bergreen separates myth from history, narrating and writing with a keen eye for detail to create a most relatable document. about the adventures of Polo. “Marco Polo – From Venice to Upper Capital” is as fascinating as the life it depicts. Commenting on the book, the weekly review of The New York Times said that this is a funny and attractive travel book. The world in which Marco Polo entered was new and stranger than the fable. It’s truly a passionate retelling of Marco Polo’s timeless story, says Jonathan Spence, author of Emperor of China. Laurence Bergreen draws from a series of Marco Polo’s manuscripts that have survived to this day, to provide a compelling portrait of how and where Marco Polo came to China in the 13th century, about what he saw, felt and acted upon when he got there. Readers unfamiliar with the adventures of Marco Polo will find much delight in this book. The book is published by World Publishing House in collaboration with Omega Plus.