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Artisan Dong Chien shares about the techniques of growing and caring for orchids


Artisan Dong Chien (full name is Dong Van Chien) is known as a ‘village elder’ in the orchid industry with a lot of experience.
In order for the newcomers to continue their passion for orchids, artisans will share the best care techniques so that rare orchids will be preserved.

Artisan Dong Chien also takes a lot of time to learn about orchids, from garden orchids to seed orchids, which are collected by artisans to choose the best care method. According to Dong Chien artist, firstly, orchid growers need to know the techniques of watering the plants. Not always watering and not always the right time. Should water orchids in the morning, the plants are about to bloom, you should just water gently on the branches and not over water will make the roots waterlogged and affect the flowering process. Artisan Dong Chien also said, “best country, second division, three need, four varieties” are all the most essential in growing orchids and other ornamental plants. So orchid growers need to pay attention to how to fertilize the plants. Artisan Dong Chien said: “Do not fertilize in the afternoon, because at that time the plants are difficult to photosynthesize and will not absorb nutrients, so fertilize in the morning and apply with a sufficient dose, avoid love state of the tree is missing “. In addition, each orchid species will have its own techniques to care for, so growers need to choose strong and well-developed varieties. Currently, there are many places that offer orchids, but to collect beautiful plants, you need to come to the place to check and learn about that orchid variety. Growing and caring for orchids requires not only technique, but also patience, diligence and effort. Orchids are not like other flowers, must be very healthy to germinate to multiply and flower beautifully, this factor needs to depend on the caregiver. Artisan Dong Chien shared: “ I pursue and stick with orchids because I am passionate and love to see orchids bloom, pure and proud flowers are the driving force that motivates me to take better care of them to multiply more varieties. and share with many people with the same passion nationwide “. Artisan Dong Chien is a retired military officer, he chooses to grow orchids to ease his spirit and create his own pleasure. He is not afraid to share the knowledge that he has learned during his time when he tended to his orchid garden. Because he wishes to develop and preserve the wild orchids. Hopefully, with the sharing experiences of artisan Dong Chien, it will motivate those who have a passion for orchids to learn and be more confident in their career in planting and caring for wild orchids.