Home Architecture Bad feng shui offenders often have these characteristics, everyone must know to...

Bad feng shui offenders often have these characteristics, everyone must know to avoid immediately

If the house has bad feng shui, don’t panic. Take a look at the ways to fix feng shui below.
1. Hidden front door

In feng shui, the front door of the house is extremely important. Through the front door how energy and opportunities will come to the owner. When you can’t see the front door when you’re on the street, it means there are missed opportunities or positive energy that can’t reach you. If the front door is obstructed, try to fix it. You can place a bright sign on the house number or change the landscape to remove the obstacle blocking the front door. 2. The front door is opposite the back door When the front door is opposite the back door, this means that qi, or energy, goes straight in and out of the house without staying inside. The goal of feng shui is to let qi accumulate and cultivate inside the home, not rush out. It’s best to put something between the front and back doors. You can use tables and chairs, room dividers or feng shui crystal balls to disperse the qi as it enters the house and keep it from spilling out too quickly. 3. Stairs facing the front door Similar to the front door facing the back door, the staircase facing the front door causes the qi to go straight up the stairs instead of into the main areas of the house. You can place the crystal ball between the door and the stairs to disperse and slow down the chi. Or you can also place some artwork, fresh flowers, or a beautiful object on the side of the stairs to redirect the qi. 4. The bathroom door is facing the front door The bathroom door facing the front door can cause health problems for family members. It can drain and bring negative energy. You need to place a crystal ball between the door and the entrance to the bathroom to disperse the gas and prevent it from escaping. Or place artwork, fresh flowers, or a beautiful object on the side of the door to redirect the chi. 5. Stairs in the middle of the house In feng shui, the center of the house is known as “wealth”, which is related to health and wellbeing. Because it is located in the center, it is in contact with all other areas of the feng shui bagua map and affects the owner’s life. When the stairs are centered, all the up and down movement of the qi can be destabilized. You can add plants to your home to add strong chi and enhance the energy of your home. Choosing a large heavy object like a wall is also an effective remedy. 6. Bathroom in the middle of the house The bathroom can be an energy drain, so it’s not advisable to place the bathroom in the middle of the house. However, you can increase the energy in Tai Chi by adding plants. If there is no window in the bathroom, you can choose a piece of art or an artificial plant to decorate and fix feng shui. 7. Bedroom in the garage It is best not to place the bedroom above the garage, because too much movement in the bedroom can create instability. If it’s a guest room, it’s fine. But avoid placing the main family bedroom above the garage. If you can, move the bedroom to a better location. If that is not possible, you can also add plants to bring life and energy to the bedroom. 8. The corridor is long and narrow When there is a long and narrow corridor, gas can enter too quickly. To neutralize it, you can hang crystal balls along the ceiling of the hallway or place artwork or other decorations along the hallway for people to stop and admire. *This information is only for illustration purpose .