Home News Vietnam Binh Thuy prepared well for the election day

Binh Thuy prepared well for the election day


Up to this point, the implementation and preparation of aspects for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly (DL) and the election of deputies to the People’s Council at all levels for the 2021-2026 term in Binh Thuy district have been carried out periodically. to ensure the time and order prescribed by law.

Tra An ward, Binh Thuy district, deployed panels and banners to propagate the election of the 15th National Assembly and the People’s Council at all levels for the term 2021-2026 along the Huynh Phan Ho street.

Immediately after receiving information about the election activities of the National Assembly, term XV and representatives of People’s Councils at all levels for the term 2021-2026, the Binh Thuy District Election Steering Committee directed the grassroots election steering committee to organize the development. fully and promptly declaring and grasping the documents of the Central and Can Tho city to cadres, civil servants and public employees and propagating them to union members, members, all classes of people. At the same time, to direct the establishment of the Election Commission (UBBC), the constituencies, and the assisting team to serve the election. The People’s Committee of the district has issued a resolution fixing and announcing the number of constituencies, the list of constituencies and the number of district and ward People’s Council deputies elected for the term 2021-2026. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels in the district held a consultation to introduce the candidates of the People’s Council of districts and wards in accordance with the process and regulations.

Through the first consultation, the number of candidates for district People’s Council candidates for the term 2021-2026 is 66 people (2 are self-nominated). In terms of composition, there are 11 people from political organizations, 11 people from socio-political organizations, 17 people from state organizations, 2 people from non-business units, 18 people from subordinate administrative units, 3 people belong to socio-professional – economic organizations, 1 person is religious, 1 person is ethnic minority, 2 people self-nominated … At the 2nd consultation, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of district and the member organizations that have prepared a preliminary list of 60 people nominated for District People’s Council candidates for the term 2021-2026. The 8-ward People’s Committee issued the Decision on fixing and announcing 44 constituencies, a list of constituencies and 178 elected delegates of each ward-level People’s Council election unit. Binh Thuy District People’s Committee has approved 86 polling stations; of which, there are 11 polling stations belonging to the armed forces units located in the area.

In order for the people to understand and actively participate in the election, the Propaganda Subcommittee proactively compiled a set of question and answer documents on the election of the 15th National Assembly and the representatives of the People’s Council at all levels for the term 2021-2026. In particular, to attach importance to propagating the meaning and importance of the election; on the standards of the National Assembly, the People’s Council delegates; the process of introducing candidates, the right to vote of citizens and the steps to conduct the election … At the same time, coordinating with the District Education and Training Department to deploy schools to hang propaganda banners at school sites; The Office of the Interior and the Culture Office guide agencies and units of wards to focus on implementing propaganda banners and panels according to the proposed plan.

According to Ms. Le Hoang Thuy Trinh, Head of the Propaganda Department of Binh Thuy District, Head of the District Election Propaganda Subcommittee has posted directing documents, propagating slogans about the election of the 15th National Assembly and the People’s Council. All levels for the term 2021-2026 on the website of the district, on the led light board at the gate of Binh Thuy bridge, the led screen in front of the headquarters of the District Party Committee, the District People’s Committee … The wards have implemented 10 pa- slaves, 60 horizontal banners, 303 vertical banners. The District Center for Culture and Broadcasting conducts the column “Towards the election of the National Assembly and the election of People’s Council deputies at all levels”, broadcast every Thursday afternoon and Friday, with a duration of 5 minutes …

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nu, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairwoman of the People’s Council of Binh Thuy District, Chairman of the District People’s Committee, said: “Up to this point, the work of implementing the election of the 15th National Assembly and the People’s Council members at all levels period 2021-2026 is implemented seriously, fully and in accordance with regulations by Binh Thuy District Party Committee. In the near future, the district People’s Committee will continue to coordinate with the district Fatherland Front Committee to hold the third consultation meeting to make a list of candidates for People’s Council delegates on time. At the same time, make a list of voters, review the electoral roll before posting, write voter cards, provide professional training for officials in charge of elections at the grassroots level. The District Party Committee will continue to direct the functional forces to strengthen coordination to maintain security and order, well implement the epidemic prevention, … for the election of the 15th National Assembly, the delegates of the People’s Council at all levels. the period 2021-2026 in the district took place successfully ”.