Home Health Body sign ‘call for help’, adjust now lest ‘regret it is late’

Body sign ‘call for help’, adjust now lest ‘regret it is late’


There are signs such as: unusual hair loss, brittle pale nails, puffiness under the eyes, … are all signs that you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Below are the signs of an abnormality that signals the body of a ‘problem’.

Artwork: Internet Decreased immunity When the body lacks inorganic salts, vitamin C, and high-quality protein, it will decrease immunity, make patients suffer from colds constantly or easily catch colds, the body is weak and tired. People with such signs can change their daily regimen by consuming high-quality protein from soy milk, lean meats, fish, and eggs; Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain iron, zinc and vitamins such as bean sprouts, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. The skin of hands and feet is peeling Peeling of limbs is a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can boost the metabolism of the stratum corneum and maintain the healthy surface of the skin. However, lack of vitamin A easily causes the skin to peel off, rough, often occurs in people who work stressful, use computers for a long time. Therefore, you should eat plenty of animal organs that contain vitamin A, carrots, egg yolks, or milk. Dizziness and anemia The body lacks iron will cause the metabolism of oxygen in the blood to decrease, causing headaches, dizziness, anemia, poor concentration, pale skin, these people may experience dizziness when standing up suddenly. Usually, if this is the case, you should eat plenty of iron-rich foods such as black fungus, animal blood, animal organs, and red meats. Creaking noise in knees, shoulders and elbows These sounds can be due to fluid changes in the joint (called dry joints), or joint deflection, arthritis, damaged ligaments … See a doctor if you experience pain, swelling in your knees or elbows. restricting you from being active in sports or exercise. Hair loss According to Health, hair loss can be caused by many causes such as stress, malnutrition, pregnancy, medications, birth control pills, and weight loss. Healthy hair is smooth, silky smooth through a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, sleep, exercise and emotional and mental stability. Pale, brittle nails Pretty little nails can reveal more health than you might think. Pale nail color or weak, brittle nails can be signs of diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, heart disease and hypothyroidism. Nails and toenails turn yellow and are rough and rough, indicating that they have a fungal infection. The rumbling in the stomach It was the sound of the intestines. When you’re hungry, seeing, smelling, or even thinking about food can stimulate your brain to initiate digestion. When you drink a glass of water, it also makes a “gurgling” sound due to the fluid entering the stomach. This is harmless, but see your doctor if the noise is accompanied by stomach pain, bloating, and heartburn. Or rapid weight loss for unknown reasons. Mouth sores recur General endocrine disorders, not paying attention to oral hygiene, excessive mental stress can easily cause mouth ulcers, in order to eliminate the above factors, it is necessary to prevent vitamin B deficiency, especially vitamin B2 deficiency. People with such symptoms should eat foods rich in Vitamin B2 and foods with spleen tonic and analgesic effects, such as pumpkins, soybeans or carrots. Cold hands and feet Selenium in foods can regulate thyroid function, and secreted thyroxine can regulate metabolism and blood circulation. People with mild selenium deficiency will slow blood circulation and cause cold hands and feet symptoms. People with severe selenium deficiency will decrease immunity, reduce vision, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, you should eat more selenium-rich foods, such as mushrooms, garlic, and shellfish. Frequent nosebleeds The nosebleed is always related to the lack of vitamin K in the body, making the blood clotting disorder and easy to bleed. The diet of these people should be changed towards eating more spinach or cabbage containing vitamin K. People with blood clotting disorders should eat more fermented foods like natto (fermented beans) or yogurt. People with severe nosebleeds need to choose a specialized hospital for comprehensive examination and treatment. The buzzing or cicadas cry in the ears This sound is not in the ears but from the head because the brain misinterprets the signal. Exposure to strong noises can affect your ears, so use earplugs to decrease the pitch. See a doctor if tinnitus is persistent and only in one ear. This could be a sign of damage in the ear. Puffiness under the eyes Some of the symptoms under the eyes can be warning signs of illness that should not be ignored. Puffiness under the eyes because the body retains water because of eating too much salt, drinking too much alcohol causes bloating. Experts also say this could be a warning for other thyroid problems or kidney failure. If you are allergic to dairy or wheat foods, if eye puffiness appears abnormal, see your doctor for an early check. In addition, yellow eyes are a sign of liver disease and should be checked. Memory decline The brain consumes 20% of the energy the human body consumes. If you have recently suffered from memory impairment and slow response, you should be wary of malnutrition. You should eat a lot of carbohydrate-containing foods, such as potatoes, grains and sweet potatoes, as well as eggs, beans, fish oil and walnuts, which contain omega 3 fatty acids and choline, which can nourish cells. Brain. Sponsorship news