Home Beauty Cool your skin in the summer with just a simple secret

Cool your skin in the summer with just a simple secret


With a few simple tips you can cool your skin quickly.
Apply ice to cool your skin

You can cool your skin at home with simple methods. There is nothing better than using ice cubes to cool sunburned skin. The low temperature of the stones will cause the blood vessels under the skin to constrict, reducing the blistering, vasodilation that sunlight and radiation causes to the skin. At the same time, ice also helps to tighten pores and give you a smooth, firm skin. If you have just returned from the sun, you should wash your face with clean water, then use ice cubes to gently massage in a circle on the skin and finally dry with a clean cotton pad. This will make the skin not only reduce redness and swelling but also avoid sunburn caused by sunburn. Cool the skin with green tea water If you have to be exposed to hot air and direct sunlight for a long time, you just need to drink two cups of green tea or wash your face with green tea water to block the penetration of UV rays on your skin. skin. In addition, the matcha-honey powder mixture is also a mask that can purify toxins, provide moisture and make the skin more pure and smooth. Use this mask 2-3 times a week to get the best results. Use mineral spray Mineral spray is a convenient invention that can instantly revive your skin when in a hot or dry environment. With the main ingredients of water, minerals and some vitamins, mineral spray quickly cools the skin, reduces heat and limits oil secretion on the skin. You can choose mineral sprays of reputable cosmetic brands or mineral sprays containing natural ingredients such as green tea, aloe vera, grapefruit essence… to help your skin get rid of the hot feeling. , make up for lost water. Note, when spraying, you need to keep the spray bottle about 20-30cm away from your face because this is the right distance for the mist to have enough diffusion and coverage all over the face. At the same time, shaking well before use for some mineral sprays will bring optimal effects to the skin. Soy milk to wash face on sunny days You must have heard a lot about using rice water to wash your face to get smooth, white skin. However, very few people know that washing your face regularly with soy milk not only brings the same results but also has the ability to cool the skin in harsh weather conditions. This is a fairly common practice of Japanese women, they often puree soybeans (soybeans) with water, both to prepare nutritious food and drink, and to wash their faces. This method not only makes the skin more and more smooth, repels wrinkles, but also helps to make the skin bright pink. Protein and nutrients in soybeans have a very good effect on cooling and nourishing skin cells.