Home Architecture Creating a reading environment for children during COVID-19 season

Creating a reading environment for children during COVID-19 season


Arranging play and study time with children at home, and strengthening measures to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic is a big challenge for parents today.

By dedicating a special area in your home to reading in the summer, you’ll help your child find joy in books. Whether it’s a cozy corner in the living room or a special space in a child’s bedroom, creating a summer reading environment will inspire children to read and make reading immersion fun. more taste. This helps children experience reading as a fun summer activity – like going swimming or playing outside – instead of something they think they have to do as homework. In the process of reading, children can write down things they find interesting. Here are 5 tips parents should refer to when planning to create a summer reading space for their children. 1. Capture the spirit of summer This time of year is boundless fun, so reading should spark that relaxed and joyful spirit. Parents should create a reading space that suits the child’s carefree mood. It could be a hammock in the yard, a sofa in the corner or a swivel chair by the window. 2. Create a comfortable atmosphere When it comes to reading, comfort is key. Pay special attention to good lighting when creating a reading environment and make the space as cozy as possible. Wall art and family photos are also a highlight for the reading space to attract young readers, raising the spirit of summer reading. 3. Eliminate distractions Distraction is a dilemma during reading for both young and old. So try to make your child’s reading corner away from the TV and other entertainment devices. Avoid crowded, noisy areas. Children will find it much easier to focus on a book when they have a quiet space. 4. Reasonable arrangement of books Make sure your child’s favorite books are within easy reach. However, don’t be afraid to mix up reading materials. A wide variety of books and materials is available to meet children’s reading needs and interests. 5. Refresh books periodically During the summer, parents should refresh their reading space with new options that match their child’s interests. This way, children will continue to interact, eager to read and learn something new about topics they love. Parents can even make reading more special by designating a specific day of the week to introduce new reading material or host a family pizza party to celebrate a new book. release.