Home Tech Eye robot allows users to walk on the street and use the...

Eye robot allows users to walk on the street and use the phone at the same time


Using a phone while on the road has become a fairly common habit in today’s smartphone-dominated era. To minimize the risks caused by this habit, the Third Eye robot eye was born.

Industrial design students Minwook Paeng have just come up with a solution to make it easier to use your smartphone while on the road: the Third Eye robot eye. This is an eye-shaped robot that is fixed on the user’s forehead and detects obstacles in front of them when they use their smartphone on the road. This humorous device allows users to navigate while texting or surfing Instagram without worrying about being obstructed by real-world obstacles. This artificial eye has a translucent plastic shell, with internal components based on the open source electronic platform Arduino. It will be applied to your forehead with a thin gel pad. The device is integrated with a speaker and an accelerometer, which is a sensor commonly found on smartphones used to detect the orientation of the phone and automatically rotate the screen when necessary. The device is integrated with a speaker and an accelerometer, which is a sensor commonly found on smartphones used to detect the orientation of the phone and automatically rotate the screen when necessary. The accelerometer on the Third Eye detects when the user’s head is bent to open the plastic eyelid, revealing a sonar sensor. When detecting an obstacle ahead, the eye will emit a buzzing sound to signal the user. The use of mobile phones while crossing the street is increasing and affects public safety on the street. Even the city of Montclair in Southern California (USA) has introduced a law banning pedestrians from using phones or wearing headphones while walking across the street. First-time offenders will be warned, if they repeat the offense for the second time, they will be fined $100 (about 2.2 million VND), if they repeat the offense many times, the fine will be up to $500 (about 11 million VND). A scientific study has confirmed: people who use mobile phones will walk slower and even go sloppy. Due to paying attention to the phone screen so as not to type the wrong content or read the message correctly, the human observation ability will be narrowed, limiting the ability to detect obstacles and not avoid timely. As a result, accidents can happen whenever, for example, hitting other people or crashing into traffic. Please watch the video: Robot make in Vietnam knows how to do math. Source: VTV