Home Architecture Feng shui experts suggest a suitable bedroom layout for homeowners

Feng shui experts suggest a suitable bedroom layout for homeowners


The bedroom is an indispensable place in every house. To get a guaranteed sleep, while activating good air conditioning, you should pay attention to the feng-shui factors in the bedroom below.

As we all know sleep is so important because one-third of our time is spent sleeping. Sleep helps us to rest and relax to regain energy after a hard working day, and the bedroom is also a place to set a fire of happiness in every family. So when designing the bedroom, not only must create a beautiful space; but also have to meet feng shui standards for the bedroom. For important spaces such as bedrooms, it is necessary to choose the layout of the house; and ventilation factors must be ensured. Bed placement Do not put under the bar as it will feel compressed while sleeping; makes the sleeper feel poor and tired easily. Should not put under the toilet or turn around the toilet will make the sleeper feel insecure; Affect many health. Should not be placed on top of the stove will make people sleep or upset … Bedroom colors Color is the expression of light. We use color to express emotions, convey different messages, and we can use color as a way of sharing energy. Par Kim: Those who are destined to be Kim are suitable for white and gray bedrooms, representing Kim or Earth colors such as brown, yellow brown, earth brown, … However, it is necessary to avoid colors such as red. , Orange pink,…. for Hoa Khac Kim. Mo Moc: Mo Moc is suitable for green, green, in addition, it can be mixed with black, blue, blue, .. because these are the colors of Thuy, but Thuy is born Moc. Avoid using blinds belonging to the Kim element. Destiny: The bedroom of a fiancée should be blue, blue, combined with black, these colors are compatible with the destiny. In addition, you can also combine with metallic colors such as yellow, white, iridescent,…. Do not use terrestrial colors such as dark yellow, brown yellow, brown, … Destiny: Color suitable for those who are destined to be red, pink, orange, purple, … in addition, the owner of the fire can also choose green as the main theme for the bedroom, these are the colors of the Wood element. Five elements feng shui, Moc born Fire, and the colors of the Thuy element. Par brothels: The Earth’s destiny person can use brown, yellow brown, and dark yellow as the main color for the bedroom, in addition, the owner of the Earth family can combine with the colors of the Fire element such as red, orange, pink, … At the same time, avoid using the colors of the Water element such as blue, blue, … Harmonious interior arrangement In addition to the scientific bed bed, you also need to pay attention to the arrangement of the interior so that it is harmonious and scientific. A well-balanced combination of furniture will create a homogeneous and reasonable space. Do not put too many furniture in the room, avoid messy rooms, cause inconvenience for users. Any bedroom should have a window, a window will bring natural light, help air conditioning. The sunny and windy room will bring good inspiration to the homeowner. Room door direction The bedroom door is not connected to the main door: In addition to the function of rest, the bedroom is also a place that represents personal life as well as personal feelings. The bedroom door connecting to the main door in addition to creating disadvantages for the home’s health and fortune, also signaling the unhappiness of the couple, a third person entering the married life. In the event that the space conditions are tight or not allowed, you can make a fake door or a screen between the two doors to counteract this disadvantage. Avoid placing a mirror facing the bedroom door: In feng shui, placing a mirror opposite the bedroom door is a taboo. Mirrors have the function of reflection, often used to prevent the flow of air from entering the house, in addition to the effect of repelling evil. The position of the mirror directly on the bedroom door will cause conflicts, bring aggression into the bedroom, and bring bad things to the house. C vomit bedroom opposite toilet / bathroom / kitchen door: The toilet is a place of elimination, with a lot of smells of pollution, so the toilet door straight to the bed will affect your health, and at the same time dispel good luck in the room. The kitchen is also a place with a strong smell, in feng-shui this is also not good with positive energies in the bedroom. The bedroom door is opposite the bed: The bed is the central place of the room, concentrating the most positive energy. The door is the intersection between the airflow inside and outside the room, the bed facing the front will create a lot of conflict between the airflow, which is not good for the health of the person lying on the bed. .