Home Architecture Feng shui principles do not put stairs in the middle of the...

Feng shui principles do not put stairs in the middle of the house


In today’s high-rise buildings, stairs are an indispensable part, not only connecting traffic for floors, according to feng shui, stairs are also the place where air circulates strongly, leading air to radiate away. everywhere in the house.
Therefore, designing the stairs suitable for the purpose of use based on the principles of feng shui will help the house be both aesthetic and help bring fortune to the owner.

Stairs location The stairs are the place to start the air, spreading from the bottom up or from the top down to the floors. Therefore, if the position of the stairs is in a good supply, the upper floors are good and vice versa. If the location of the stairs is in a good bow, the upper floors are all good and vice versa The starting point of the stairs in the house should be designed in a ventilated way, so it should be placed in auspicious signs such as: Yin Quy Nhan, Duong Quy Nhan, Thien Ma, Thien Loc, Dao Hoa to bring prosperity and avoid bad luck. The palace has Thien Shape, Dai Sat. Stairs area must be fully lit to absorb air circulation throughout the floors. Stairs should not be placed in the middle of the house because the central energy, the heart of the house will be drained, directly affecting the energy of people living or working in that space. Stairs should also not be in line with the door because it radiates rushing, unstable and unstable energy. Stair steps The staircase should not be designed too long or too short because it affects the beauty and fortune of the homeowner. It should be noted to design the number of stairs so that from the first step to the end, they must fall into the “birth” in the cycle of “birth – old age – illness – death”. Usually the number of steps of the stairs often falls on odd numbers such as 17, 19, 21, … The number of stairs falling into the “birth” sign is very good The number of stairs is calculated from the first step to the end, including the landing and the corridor. If there is a landing, it will be calculated as a normal staircase with the formula 4 * n + 1 = number of steps. Stair steps must be connected and sealed together to ensure that money and fortune will not be lost. Stair shape The best shape of the stairs is straight or softly curved. Although the spiral staircase is very beautiful and unique, it takes up little space but is not good in terms of feng shui because it creates a twist of air, which is not good for the members of the house. The best shape of the stairs is straight or softly curved The spiral staircase will adversely affect the members depending on the position it is placed in. For example, a spiral staircase placed in the Qian azimuth is not good for the father, in the Chan azimuth it is not good for the eldest son, in the Kun azimuth it is not good for the mother, in the Doi azimuth it is not good for the youngest child… Stair material Stairs that can be made of wood, metal or concrete are symbolic of the three solid elements. Wooden stairs are suitable for South, East and Southeast directions. Metal stairs are best placed in the Northeast, Southwest, West and Northwest directions. Stair colors The color of the stairs basically needs to be in harmony with the interior style, architecture and colors of other functional areas in the house. Regarding feng shui, homeowners can choose the color of the stairs according to their destiny as follows: – For the owner of the Kim par: You can choose the same colors for the destiny, which are colors with the five elements of Earth such as brown, earthy brown, dark yellow… In addition, colors with the five elements belonging to Kim are also a good option. like silver, white, gray. – For the homeowner of the Moc par: You should choose a color that has the five elements belonging to Water such as sky blue, navy blue, etc. or colors belonging to Moc such as green, marble. Stairs that can be made of wood are a symbol of solidity and solidity – For the owner of the Thuy family: The colors associated with this destiny are the colors with the five elements belonging to Metal such as white, silver, gray … or the colors belonging to the element of Water such as blue, blue. – For the owner of the Fire par: Colors with the five elements belonging to Wood or Fire are the options to choose such as green, moss green, red, orange… Do not choose colors with the five elements belonging to Water such as navy blue, blue skin. God. – For the owner of the Tho par: The mutual colors of this destiny are the colors with the five elements of Fire such as red, pink, purple … or you can choose the color of the Earth such as brown, light yellow … Choosing the color of the stairs according to par is only a reference plan, when deciding which color to choose, homeowners need to ensure balance and harmony with the overall overall, avoid using too many hot colors such as red, orange, purple … or dark colors like black. Ovum (Synthetic)