Home Beauty Get rid of blackheads with just 1 over boiled egg

Get rid of blackheads with just 1 over boiled egg


Just use hard-boiled eggs properly and you will never have to worry about blackheads.
Blackheads are believed to be the first stage of acne. They form before the bacteria get into the pores. A blackhead can develop into a pimple, which is also known as a tree pimple or pustule.

Blackheads are believed to be the first stage of acne.

Blackheads, acne usually develop after puberty, when hormone levels rise, which stimulates the sebaceous glands, producing sebum. The sebaceous glands secrete too much oil in the pores, build up and become trapped. When this oil is exposed to the air, it turns black. Blackheads appear on the face, making women feel insecure. Blackheads will make your face less charming

The cause of blackheads

Blackheads appear mainly on oily skin. Oil secretes too much and clogs pores, they accumulate over time and harden into lumps. The part exposed to the air (on the outer part of the skin) will be black.

Blackheads also appear when you don’t properly clean your skin. This causes oil to build up under the pores, causing acne. The cause of both blackheads is also because you do not drink enough water your body needs. Water removes toxins from the skin, making the skin clean and fresh from the inside.

Certain diseases such as anemia, constipation, thyroid disease, etc. are factors that increase the development of blackheads.

The use of harsh cleaning chemicals and makeup brushes that are too hard can irritate the skin, making blackheads worse.

Treat blackheads from boiled eggs

You can use boiled eggs to treat blackheads.

Chicken eggs are nutritious foods, and in their lives they have many uses, such as in addition to being food, acne also helps many women in beauty and skin care. Typical of which is the treatment of acne. Many women often use egg whites in combination with lemon and honey, or milk, olive oil to make skin care masks or hair masks. Not only used to improve dry skin, skin care, dandruff hair, eating a lot of eggs also helps to improve skin pigmentation, helping women to own healthy white, rosy skin.

In addition to using fresh eggs to cover acne care masks, people can refer to boiled eggs that help treat acne effectively, absorb acne and tighten pores and reduce swelling effectively. fruit. Preventing blackheads from reappearing is very good.

Preparation: Take 1 egg and boil it, and 1 thin towel

Procedure: You peel the egg after it is boiled, peel it while the eggs are still hot. Then wrap the egg in a thin towel, roll it over the affected area, and roll it over until the egg cools. The blackheads will follow over the heat and the attraction on the egg yolks. Wish you all success with this very simple method.

For this simple way, you can do it every day without worrying about irritating your skin. Certainly blackheads, acne, bran acne … will be repelled, returned to your skin smooth, perfectly beautiful.