Home Beauty Fashion Hot ‘animated waistline’ challenge, despite health risks

Hot ‘animated waistline’ challenge, despite health risks


The ‘animated waistline’ challenge has been reported to have the potential to cause health harm. However, many young people ignore their own safety to ‘swing the trend’.

The challenge of “cartoon waist” has been circulating on social networks since 2016. However, it only really caught attention when actress Duong Mich showed off posing photos in this pose on her personal page.

After just a few hours, Truong Nghe Pham also posted a copy of the actress Cung radiating pearls.

When performing the “cartoon waistline” challenge, the performer will rest 2 legs on the chair, the upper body lying on his stomach, sticking to the ground to show off the ant waist and attractive curves.

It is known that the posture of showing off posture performed by Duong Mich originates from a comic book character. Therefore, in addition to the name “cartoon waistline” challenge, it is also called “manga challenge”.

Immediately after posting on his personal page, actor Duong Mich received many compliments for his perfect body, famous long legs.

Meanwhile, Truong Nghe Phan was exposed to weaknesses, revealing his less charming ribs and short legs. She is also said to overdo her body by performing movements such as yoga, wearing short skirts and pointed sole boots.

In particular, many netizens and bloggers believe that Duong Mich is initiating unhealthy poses. It can cause muscle tension, increasing the likelihood of lumbar degeneration.

A longtime yoga practitioner said, they themselves only see this movement as a way to pose for entertainment. However, it is actually quite a stretching move that is quite difficult for people who do not practice regularly. It will not be safe for the body without the guidance of a professional teacher.

Before the growing controversy, actor Duong Mich himself deleted the posted photos. She also left a long line of apology for not thinking through, causing misunderstanding for everyone.

Despite being warned that it can cause harm to health, many young girls still defy the “swinging trend” of this pose.

Walking around on social networking sites, it is not difficult to see girls taking on the challenge of “cartoon waist”.

Walking around on social networking sites, it is not difficult to see girls taking on the challenge of “cartoon waist”.

In fact, the challenge of “cartoon waist” has similarities with the trend of showing off a slim waist after a vertical A4 piece of paper, showing that the wrist is only 4cm thick, the blue straps are capable of supporting the egg, the belly is small enough to wrap the arm. touch the navel …

The above trends were initially accepted by many people but were gradually ostracized. They said that the trend only meant “showing off”, discriminating based on appearance. Photo: Internet.

Invite readers to watch the video: Unexpectedly the 5 catastrophes dressed in bad clothes turned into fashion icons. Source: Yannews.