Home Beauty How does dental plaque form?

How does dental plaque form?

Many people have plaque on their teeth without knowing the cause.
How does plaque form on teeth?

Illustration. Image source: Internet All surfaces in the mouth are covered with a glycoprotein film. In the early hours, they have a protective effect on the teeth, smoothing the surface, preventing the surface organization from drying out. However, this membrane provides a substrate for bacteria to attach to. In the soft tissue area, because epithelial cells are constantly shedding, this membrane is destroyed. In the area of ​​hard tissue (teeth), this membrane does not peel off and bacteria continuously accumulate to create dental plaque. Plaque continues to grow due to the proliferation of bacteria already on the plaque and the attachment of other bacteria. After that, the bacteria can’t stick to the sterile membrane but stick to the bacteria already on the dental plaque… forming adult dental plaque. Therefore, not brushing or brushing improperly will lead to the formation of plaque on the teeth. How to clean plaque on teeth Brush your teeth thoroughly and slowly You probably already know that brushing your teeth a few times a day is the best way to prevent plaque. If you are someone who has a habit of brushing your teeth right after each meal, about half an hour after eating, you can significantly reduce the risk of tartar formation. Besides, you need to brush your teeth for 3 minutes each time. At the same time, you should choose a soft brush designed to easily crept into every corner of the oral cavity. Clean teeth with baking powder Baking soda has long been used as a cleaning agent and stain remover for teeth. Baking powder is mildly corrosive so it is used to smooth out plaque or tartar that has accumulated on the enamel surface. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of baking powder with a pinch of salt. Then, moisten the brush and dip the brush in the above mixture and brush your teeth. Clean your teeth regularly with this method and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Use a mixture of aloe and glycerine For a long time, aloe vera has been prized for its amazing health benefits. However, did you know that aloe vera is also very effective in preventing plaque. Take a cup of water, add half a cup of baking powder and a tablespoon of aloe vera and mix well. Then, add a few drops of lemon essential oil and 4 tablespoons of vegetable glycerine. Brush your teeth with the above mixture and you will notice that this helps your teeth become whiter the next morning.