Home Cuisine How to choose delicious apples with the naked eye is not chemical

How to choose delicious apples with the naked eye is not chemical


Apples are a delicious fruit with many vitamins that women love. The following apple picking tips will help you choose the right apples.
Apple size

When buying apples to choose a delicious apple, you should only choose a medium sized apple, slightly larger than her ball. When you eat an apple that is too big or small, it’s not good. Because apples that are too large can be sprayed with growth stimulants, apples that are too small are often sour or overripe when eaten, resulting in poor taste and illness.

Fruit shape

You should choose apples that are round, even, firm and heavy-handed, these apples will give more delicious juice than usual.

When buying, you should choose an apple with no or very few scratches due to the impact, no bruises due to the impact of much transport, dropping the apple, making the apple less delicious.

Delicious apples are not porous

Observe the pods

Wise housewives, when buying apples, often pay close attention to the apple peel. You should choose to buy apples that are fresh in color, the skin of these apples will be more delicious. Stretched apples are usually more succulent than apples when they are touched and a clumpy feel.

If you are a fan of sweet apples, choose a darker fruit with small white seeds on the skin. Avoid dull, dark, crushed, or pests apples.

Smell the apple

When you buy apples, you want to know if the apple is delicious or not you need to try to smell the apple. If the apple is ripe and delicious, it usually smells very delicious when eaten. Unripe apples are less flavorful and will often have a sour taste and are less likely to taste bitter.

Delicious apples often stretch the hand

Check the apple’s crispness

To check the crispness of the apple, use your finger to gently press the apple to see if it is firm or soft.

You should not buy apples with a lot of blemishes because when eating apples are not sweet and the apple is fluffy.