Home Beauty How to deodorize the body for men

How to deodorize the body for men


Keeping the body clean, fragrant helps men score points when meeting people.

1. Wash and clean: According to the WebMD Body odor occurs when sweat comes in contact with bacteria on the skin’s surface. During the hot season, sweating helps regulate body temperature. This inadvertently creates an environment for bacteria to reproduce. The bacteria break down keratin on the skin and cause an unpleasant odor. The boys should bathe every day to wash away sweat, remove bacteria on the skin. Image: Hansgrohe. 2. Pay attention to sweaty areas: The sweat itself has no odor. However, when bacteria living on the skin combine with sweat, you will “stink”. The armpits and groin concentrate many large sweat glands, apocrine. Therefore, they often carry a heavier odor than other regions. Wash the area where you sweat a lot when you shower. In addition, wear loose-fitting clothes and desiccant underwear to cool down, especially in the hot season. Image: The Independent. 3. Wash exercise clothes: Clothes soaked in sweat help bacteria grow quickly. Men should wash their clothes between workouts to prevent unpleasant odors. On the other hand, dirty clothing when rubbed with skin can cause folliculitis and acne. Image: Getty. 4. Change clothes every day: Clean clothes have the effect of deodorizing the body. Change into new socks regularly if you are prone to sweaty legs. Using deodorant powder in shoes, changing shoe insoles also contribute to reducing the accumulation of foot odor. Image: NBC News. 5. Use antiperspirants: After bathing and drying the body, apply an antiperspirant (antiperspirant) to the underarms. Aluminum chloride is a chemical that prevents perspiration. It is often combined with some deodorants in antiperspirants. Image: Storyblocks. 6. Clean hirsutism: Areas with a lot of hair on the body are often humid and sweaty. Bacteria are difficult to reproduce in dry skin. Regular trimming also prevents the buildup of bacteria. From there, reduce the formation of unpleasant odors. Image: iStock. 7. Use perfume: In the case of a need for quick deodorization, perfumes are ideal. However, the perfume is for temporary improvement. Take a shower every day, change into new clothes, keep your body clean to prevent odors. Image: FragranceX. 5 ways to maintain a youthful look for men Healthy skin, few defects help men feel confident when meeting people.