Home Beauty How to effectively massage feet

How to effectively massage feet


The foot is a gathering place for blood vessels, muscles and a myriad of nerves, and acupressure points are related to many organs in the body. So, foot massage will have a good impact on your own health.
The process of rubbing and pressing the soles of the feet directly stimulates the body points to promote the circulation and blood circulation to the heart, improving nutrient metabolism, making the muscles and joints soft. soft, supple, and increases foot endurance and endurance. At the same time, it brings a feeling of relaxation, pain relief, and antispasmodic properties. With the foot massage method, many symptoms such as headache, nervous breakdown, depression, anxiety, anxiety and pain can be treated. The pressing of the acupressure points in the feet also works to open the plexus, enhance resistance and fight diseases, prolong the spring age and increase life expectancy …

Foot massage will have a good impact on your health For the massage to be most effective, you should follow these steps: Soak your feet in warm water (about 38oC) for 10-15 minutes with herbs or essential oils. Herbs will make blood circulation better. If you soak your feet in essential oil, it will feel soothing. Use a soft towel to dry your feet. Lie on the massage bed so that your feet are comfortable. Cover your feet with a towel to keep them warm. Using essential oils or massage creams, massage evenly on your hands until warm, then massage. Use your thumbs to gently, slowly massage from the top of your toes, then slide behind your feet and up your ankles. From there you go back to where your toes are. Repeat this movement about 3-5 times. Gently stretch the hand grip on the foot, pull up and down 3-5 times. This will help your feet fully relax. Use your thumb and index finger to gently massage in a circle, under the base of the foot, 1-5 times more. Use the thumb to gently squeeze from the heels down to the toes, repeat 3-5 times. Place 1 hand under the heel, the other hand embraces the foot and then rotate, perform gentle movements, 3-5 times for each rotation. This movement minimizes stiffness of the foot joints. Use your fingers to slide between the slits of your toes, from front to back, about 3-5 times. Use your thumb to circle around the ankle bone. With the soles of the feet, use your thumb to move in a continuous circle up and down, and at the same time to the sides. Then, with one middle handle behind the ankle, with the other hand, use the force of the cheek in the hand moderately to slide from head to foot (repeat about 5 times). Finish the massage by gently stroking from the ankles to the toes from the top and bottom again with your hand.