Home Cuisine How to make beetroot soup as delicious as the real thing

How to make beetroot soup as delicious as the real thing


If you follow the following recipe correctly, you will make beetroot soup as delicious as the real thing, safe for food hygiene.

Ms. Thai Ha said that her husband was addicted to traditional blood pudding, but because he was concerned about food safety issues, he said no to this dish. To pamper her husband, along with her passion for cooking, Ms. Ha has created a beetroot soup that looks like a real bowl of blood pudding. Housewives can apply the recipe below to eat blood pudding as much as they want without having to worry Process materials: Filling: 200g soft pork cartilage, 5 sets of liver gizzards (can be replaced with throat and strip meat). Wash, boil and add 2 small spoons of spices. Finish dicing cartilage and gizzards. Leave the liver to be sliced ​​thinly and sprinkled on when enjoying. A beetroot about 200g: Peel, cut into pieces and then grind almost finely with 1 teaspoon of fine salt. Pour water and squeeze out 600 ml of colored water. Peeled roasted peanuts, washed coriander and Chinese coriander, 1 part chopped Grilled dried onion, pepper, lemon Bag of 50g white flute powder as shown in the picture bought at supermarkets. Regarding the coagulant, the flute dew is the best, for the product to be soft and smooth. Mix the gizzard cartilage with basil and Chinese coriander, chopped dried onions with 1 teaspoon of spices and pepper. Boil 600ml of beetroot juice for 1 tablespoon of delicious homemade fish sauce, seasoned a bit because the blood is often rich in flavor. Then mix 1 bowl of rice with cold water with 25g of dew (half a bag) and pour it into the mix. Bring to a boil again, turn off the stove, scoop back and forth to reduce the heat and then pour into 8 bowls of filling as shown. Note: The mist has a slightly sweet taste, so it’s okay to make the fish sauce rich and overpowering. Finished products, after pouring beet juice, wait to cool, cover with food film, and store in the refrigerator. Scoop the frozen pieces as shown in the picture. When eating, sprinkle with pepper, peanuts, liver, lemon juice and enjoy with basil and Chinese flavor.