Home Cuisine Hue pressed cake – Street specialty

Hue pressed cake – Street specialty


Hue cuisine is not only famous for royal dishes, and famous rustic cakes such as filter cake, nam cake, there is a type of cake that is both cheap and delicious called street specialties. Skip the pressed cake.

Pressed cake. Pressed cakes are sold “abundantly” on every corner of Hue, but the taste of the cake is not the same as any other shop. The cake is small but contains many special things: the greasy, chewy taste of the cake, the crunchy sourness of pickled papaya, the aroma of green onions, meat, eggs… Pressed cake is actually an improved filter cake, not fussy in processing. The main ingredients include filter powder and many different types of fillings such as eggs, dried beef, bacon, meat, etc., depending on the style of each restaurant. All ingredients are processed individually. The cake is pressed between two pieces of cast iron on a charcoal oven. In turn, put the filter powder into thin press and then add the filling to press again. Its name is also derived from this way of processing – pressing the dough in a cast iron plate. The fragrant aroma and the pleasant sound of the dough sizzling make diners waiting for the cake everyone wants to eat. Cakes are pressed or crunchy depending on the customer’s request. While waiting for the cake, the diners can make their own fish sauce, adjust the amount of spicy accordingly. Perhaps thanks to the time waiting for the cake to cook, adding homemade dipping sauce makes the dish even more delicious. The cake is more delicious when eaten hot and must be eaten with sweet and sour, laksa leaves, cucumbers, etc. The chewy taste of the filter powder, the fatty taste of the filling, and the freshness of vegetables and melons make diners eat forever until they eat. full but still not bored. In addition, pressed cakes also have a “dry pressed cake” version for customers to buy as gifts. Dry pressed cake at first glance, you will see it looks like an omelette but the ingredients and taste are completely different. Fat meat is spread evenly, add a little scallions and crunchy, served with very flavorful chili sauce. There is a very interesting way to eat dried pressed cakes that is to spread a little pate and chili sauce on the cake and sandwich it together. When eating, you will feel the crispy taste of the cake, the fatty taste of the pate, the spicy taste of the chili sauce.