Home Cuisine In addition to cucumbers, here are 4 pickled dishes that you can...

In addition to cucumbers, here are 4 pickled dishes that you can easily make for a summer tray of rice


Summer is a hot time that makes many people easily lose their appetite. In the Vietnamese family’s rice tray, easy-to-eat pickles are always the most popular.
Salted water spinach

Resources: Water spinach: Half a kilo Chili: 5-7 fruits (depending on the spiciness) Purple onion: 5 pieces Garlic: 5 cloves Seasoning: Vinegar, sugar, salt Perform: Step 1: Prepare water spinach First, you pick up the water spinach and remove all the leaves. After washing with water, add 2 tablespoons of salt to the pot, stir well and add the vegetables to wash again and then drain. Next, you put a cup of vinegar in another bowl of water and then put the water spinach in to soak for about 1 hour. This helps the vegetables to have a beautiful color. After soaking, you start the pot of water and put the vegetables in the blanching (quickly blanched without soft vegetables, losing their crispiness) and then take them out and put them in a bowl of ice cold water to soak for about 10 minutes. . Then take it out and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Step 2: Cook sweet and sour mixture hợp Peppers de-stemmed, onions and garlic peeled and sliced. Then, put in a pot of 500ml of water with 1 tablespoon of salt, 150g of sugar and 120ml of vinegar and then bring it to a boil until the sugar dissolves. When the mixture cools down, add the onions, peppers and garlic. You can taste it again to see that the water has a sweet and salty taste that is just right. Step 3: Soak sweet and sour water spinach When the mixture cools down, put the water spinach in a glass jar and pour the mixture into it. Close the lid tightly and soak for about 3-4 days to use. When the vegetables have reached the acidity that you have not eaten yet, they can be placed in the refrigerator to preserve and use gradually. Pickles Resources: – Cucumber (cucumber): 5 – Fresh ginger, dried onion, dried garlic, chili fruit – Spices: Table salt, sour vinegar, granulated sugar Steps to take: Step 1: Prepare cucumber (cucumber) – The cucumbers are washed in a basin of water, then soaked with a little diluted salt water solution for about half an hour. – After soaking, take out the cucumbers in a basket and put them in the faucet to rinse a few times, drain. Step 2: Prepare the accompanying seasoning – While waiting for the pickled cucumbers, bring the onion and garlic out and peel the outer skin. – Left chili should be washed, broken off the green stalk, can leave the whole fruit or cut into small slices as you like. – Fresh ginger cleaned, peeled and cut into thin slices. Step 3: Make a delicious crispy pickled cucumber – First prepare a mixture of salt water to soak cucumbers according to the following recipe: Pour about 800ml of slightly warm water into a large bowl and then add three tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of granulated sugar and three tablespoons of sour vinegar, Use a spoon to stir until dissolved. To have a way to make delicious crispy pickled cucumbers, you need to prepare this pickling water in the right ratio. – Next, add all the dried onion and peeled garlic on top with thin slices of ginger plus chopped red chili or chili continue to stir. – Next, put the cucumbers in the prepared glass jar (remember to disinfect with boiling water before salting the cucumbers. – Finally, pour a mixture of salt water, sugar, and vinegar just dissolved in so that the cucumbers are submerged. Then put the lid on the jar, bring it to a cool place and soak it for about 3 to 5 days to have a delicious crispy salted cucumber dish. Salted figs Resources: – 500g glutinous figs – Fine salt, vinegar – Chili: 4-5 depending on the spiciness – Garlic: 1-2 bulbs – Galangal: half a tuber about 20g – Sugar: 20g – Glass jars for salt. Making: – Pickled figs soaked in salt water to dilute the plastic and reduce darkening. You can leave the whole fruit or halve it, but leaving the whole fig will be more crunchy than halving. – Soak figs in salt water and diluted vinegar for about 20-30 minutes to release all the resin. After that, rinse 2-3 times with clean water and let it dry. – Sliced ​​or smashed garlic. – Thinly sliced ​​chili. – Thinly sliced ​​galangal. – Boil about 600ml of water with 20gr of granulated salt and 15gr of sugar, taste a bit salty, sweet and sweet according to taste (note not to let the salt be too light, it will quickly sour and become scum). Bring to a boil then let cool. – Put figs in the jar, alternating garlic, chili, galangal. Fill the boiling salt water with sugar to cool, if the figs float, use a heavy object to press down. – After 1-2 days, keep the figs in the refrigerator to eat gradually. – Salted figs begin to be eaten after 2-3 days, the figs will turn yellow. Salted bean sprouts Resources: Clean bean sprouts: 500 gr Carrot: 1 medium Red onion: 2-3 bulbs Chives: 1 bunch Chili: 4-5 (can be omitted) Sugar, salt, vinegar, filtered water Clean glass jars (wash in boiling water, let dry) Steps: + Make a sweet and sour mixture consisting of three tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of salt, and one teaspoon of vinegar dissolved in four tablespoons of water. Boil this salt water mixture and let it boil for about 1-2 minutes, then turn off the heat and wait for it to cool. + Pick up the remaining bean sprouts and bean pods, wash and dry. Wash the carrots and peel them, grate or grate them. + Wash chives, cut into pieces about 3 cm, dry. + Peel the onion and cut it into thin slices. + Put chives, bean sprouts, carrots in a bowl, wash and mix well. Wash and slice the peppers. Wait for the brine to cool, then add the chili. + Put the bean sprouts mixture just mixed into the glass jar. Pour in the salt water and vinegar. Tie items on top so that the rack doesn’t float out of the water. + Soak the melon for about 1 day, then squeeze out the water and put it on a plate to eat with rice and other dishes. + Add 1 bowl of fish sauce to dip the melon, very delicious. Fish sauce for minced garlic, sliced ​​chili, sugar, lime juice and paprika. Xiao Bao (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles