Home Tech In two weeks, the beautiful image of Bill Gates fell apart

In two weeks, the beautiful image of Bill Gates fell apart


Bill Gates has built the image of a friendly billionaire and respected philanthropist for 20 years. However, the scandals after the divorce seriously damaged his image.
According to the Bloomberg In the wake of revelations about his divorce, workplace affair scandal, and relationship with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates is a technology billionaire, beloved philanthropist.

Of course, he holds a huge fortune as the founder of Microsoft. But people also remember Gates as a man who drove his children to school, liked the movie Modern Family and wait in line for your favorite cheeseburger. Over the past two decades, the Gates couple’s philanthropy has raised their social influence to new heights. The Microsoft founder is considered a leading voice in overcoming humanity’s woes, from eradicating epidemics, improving education systems, fighting climate change and solutions to the Covid-19 pandemic. 19. Bill Gates is considered the leading voice in overcoming the woes of humanity. Photo: Bloomberg. Years of effort However, after Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates announced their divorce after 27 years of marriage, unfavorable information continued to appear. The media reported that Gates had an affair with employees at Microsoft and a humanitarian foundation named after the couple. In the divorce petition, Ms Melinda said their relationship was “irreparably broken”. And so is the reputation of the billionaire philanthropist. Gates was not always revered. During the heyday of the PC revolution, he was seen as cruel when he frequently scolded and insulted employees. The Microsoft co-founder is also accused of trying to cut the equity of Paul Allen – another co-founder – while Mr. Allen was undergoing cancer treatment in the early 1980s. Windows software is also seen as a mess of bugs and errors, leaving millions of users frustrated. One judge – who oversaw Microsoft’s trial of the monopoly – argued that Gates’ arrogance towards himself and the company was “rooted in undeserved power and success”. In the divorce petition, Ms Melinda said their relationship was “irreparably broken”. And so is the reputation of the philanthropic billionaire Bloomberg However, in the 2000s, the richest billionaire in the world at that time decided to end his story of “robbing bosses” (only American businessmen at the end of the IXX century, using shameless tricks. wholesale, no morals to get rich). And his huge fortune helps him to carry out the plan. Gates stepped down as CEO of Microsoft and turned his attention to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Foundation donates more than $50 billion to fight malaria and AIDS, helping to increase childhood immunization rates. Less than 10 years after Microsoft’s antitrust trial, Gates was standing on Capitol Hill, advising lawmakers on America’s technological competitiveness and health initiatives. The Gates Foundation has provided support to vulnerable populations. However, they also bring incredible efficiency to the process of changing the image of the Microsoft founder. From “tech tycoon”, he became a savior. The media is also less strict with Gates. Instead, he often guest-stars on major publications and shares world-changing ideas. The image is ruined Gates’ power can influence discussions around important and controversial issues. After the latest scandals, NGOs and nonprofits may still receive money from him. However, if the billionaire founder of Microsoft is looking to start a cordial relationship with a female employee, the organization called Gates may no longer be an ideal supporter of women’s empowerment. Years ago, he was close to Jeffrey Epstein, even after the businessman pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution of a minor. As a result, Gates is clearly not the right leader in the campaign against sex trafficking. A spokesman for Gates asserted that “rumors and speculations surrounding Gates’ divorce are becoming more and more absurd” and “claims about employee abuse are untrue.” This person said conversations between Gates and Epstein revolved around philanthropy. A Netflix documentary from 2019 even managed to get viewers “inside Bill’s brain”. The film came out just a month before Melinda began consulting with divorce attorneys. Inside Bill’s Brain documentary. Photo: Netflix. In the film, Gates is described as a passionate man, addicted to Diet Coke and constantly scratching his head trying to save the world. In retrospect, however, conflicting evidence – such as Gates’ habit of kicking his wife out of meetings – comes to light. Gates built an image as a philanthropist. But he remains a legend among co-founders, a unicorn CEO, a Silicon Valley statesman, even as many legends have passed away, disappeared, or fallen from their horses. He once criticized the arrogance of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and criticized Tesla CEO Elon Musk for spreading misinformation about the pandemic. Gates also vowed never to have an “end-of-life goal” and considers self-remembrance a “stupid thing.” “If we are all forgotten or remembered, it won’t change what we do every day,” the 65-year-old billionaire shared.